Wit and Wisdom From YesterYear-Book: Kalamazoo High School Class of 1915

in history •  8 years ago  (edited)

I love history, and I'm a little bit obsessed with the early 20th century. I go through old records, pictures, and documents all the time (is that weird? It's probably a little weird isn't it...). I have found that old yearbooks are easily the most entertaining. Here are just a few of the quotes from the Kalamazoo High School Class of 1915.

Winifred Richmond She hath the sunniest kind of a smile.png
I guess we'll take her word for it.

Harold Sternfield All great men are dead and I don't feel well myself.png
Haha, I like you Harold

Joe Loughead I work eight hours (?), I sleep eight hours (??), and that leaves eight hours for love..pngJoseph Loughead WW1.png
No time in there for studying Joe? The second picture is Joe during WW1.

Lillian Loobey Her hair! 'tis the envy ot' all womankind..png
Modesty....that's very important. Speaking of modesty meet Marsh Epply.

Marsh Epply Of surpassing beauty and in the bloom of youth.pngMarsh Epply WW1.png
I don't know that I'd use the word 'beauty', but he does look sharp in his uniform.

Lillian Pierce Some of the greatest things e'er done on earth have been done by little people.png!
There's a weird trend I noticed in these old yearbooks. A lot of the girls seem obsessed with being short....

Marguerite Harter She's short and stout and round about, a jolly good girl, without a doubt .png
See, Marguerite even notes that she's stout and round. I bet she didn't think people would be reading that in a hundred years.

Philip Milham I have the face of a cherub but the brain of an imp .png
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