Pocut Baren Heroes of Aceh Women Dutch Colonialist Exterminator
Nanggroe Aceh - If we trek past Aceh, then we will find one of the heroes of Aceh that is Pocut Baren heroine Acehnese exterminator of Dutch colonialism. in other areas the role of women has not been so prominent, then Aceh actually appears many female figures who became leaders, both military leaders and heads of government. this proves that in the emancipation movement of women, Aceh is one step ahead of other regions in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the presence of wamita who became Sultanah (head of government of the Kingdom of Aceh), Uleebalang (kenegerian head), Admiral (leader)army), guerrilla leader against the Dutch, poets and poets of women.Pocut Baren has been fighting for a long time. Since young he plunged into the battle scene. Pocut Baren also fought along with Cut Nyak Dhien. The brave struggle and resistance of Pocut Baren is vividly described by Dutch writer Doup. pocut Baren has been fighting against the Dutch from 1903 to 1910. Cut Nyak Dhien was once captured by Dutch forces on November 4, 1905.that is, Pocut Baren once led his own troops against the Dutch, although Cut Nyak Dhien was still actively struggling alone. Thus, at that time in the Aceh region there were two women fighters who led his forces against the Dutch, namely Cut Nyak Dhien and Pocut Baren.
due to the Dutch onslaught, Pocut Baren once pushed into the interior of the forest and decided to be based in a cave in Gunong Mancang. The Dutch have difficulty tracking the existence of this cave. Until one day, the existence of the cave is known. the Dutch army attempts to reach the cave run aground in the middle of the road because while climbing the mountain, hundreds of rocks were rolled down by Pocut Baren's men so many Dutch soldiers were killed. finally the Dutch got the sense to drain 1200 kerosene cans toward the cave and then burned. Many fell victim because of this attack. Pocut Baren himself was hit by a bullet in his leg so that his resistance was forced to stop. he was then detained in Kutaraja, but his men continued to fight.
After his capture by the Dutch, he was transferred to kutaraja. His legs were shot because they did not receive enough care and decayed and had to be amputated. after Pocut Baren was declared cured of his illness and believed by the Dutch not to fight again, he was returned to his hometown of Tungkop as an uleebalang.
However Pocut's resistance does not stop there. although he can not fight directly but his soul panglimanya continues to blaze. He continues to encourage his men. Through poetry and rhymes he encouraged his followers to keep up the fight against the Dutch caphe. his popular and impressive pantuns are still unforgettable.
Pocut Baren died and was buried in his hometown, Kemungkiman Tungkop, Sungai Mas District, West Aceh District. As a form of appreciation the government named one of the roads in Aceh under the name Pocut Baren.
About Teuku Asri Mahdi
Teuku Asri
I am just a child of Aceh who loves to die for everything related to Aceh. For this reason this blog became my inspiration to love Aceh more.
Nanggroe Aceh - Jika kita menapaki masa lalu Aceh, maka kita akan menemukan salah satu sosok pahlawan Aceh yaitu Pocut Barenpahlawan wanita Aceh pembasmi kolonialisme Belanda. Di daerah lain peranan wanitanya belum begitu menonjol, maka Aceh justru muncul banyak tokoh-tokoh wanitayang menjadi pemimpin, baik pemimpin militer maupun kepala pemerintahan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dalam gerakan emansipasi wanita, Aceh selangkah lebih maju dibandingkan dengan daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya wamita yang menjadi Sultanah, (wanita kepala pemerintahan Kerajaan Aceh), Uleebalang (kepala kenegerian), Laksamana (pemimpin angkatan perang), pemimpin gerilya melawan Belanda, penyair dan sastrawan wanita.
Pocut Baren telah berjuang dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Sejak muda ia terjun ke kancah pertempuran. Pocut Baren juga ikut berjuang bersama-sama dengan Cut Nyak Dhien. Perjuangan dan perlawanan Pocut Baren yang gagah berani dilukiskan sendiri oleh penulis Belanda bernama Doup. Pocut Baren telah melakukan perlawanan terhadap Belanda sejak tahun 1903 hingga tahun 1910. Cut Nyak Dhien pernah tertangkap oleh pasukan Belanda pada tanggal 4 November 1905. Artinya, Pocut Baren pernah memimpin sendirian pasukannya melawan Belanda, meskipun Cut Nyak Dhien masih aktif berjuang secara sendirian. Dengan demikian, pada masa itu di wilayah Aceh terdapat dua wanita pejuang yang memimpin pasukannya melawan Belanda, yaitu Cut Nyak Dhien dan Pocut Baren.
Akibat serangan gencar Belanda, Pocut Baren pernah terdesak ke pedalaman hutan dan memutuskan bermarkas di sebuah gua di Gunong Mancang. Belanda mengalami kesulitan melacak keberadaan gua ini. Hingga suatu saat, keberadaan gua tersebut diketahui. Usaha tentara Belanda untuk sampai di gua itu kandas di tengah jalan karena ketika sedang mendaki gunung, beratus-ratus batu digulingkan ke bawah oleh anak buah Pocut Baren sehingga banyak tentara Belanda yang tewas. Akhirnya Belanda mendapat akal untuk mengalirkan 1200 kaleng minyak tanah ke arah gua lalu dibakar. Banyak jatuh korban karena penyerangan ini. Pocut Baren sendiri terkena peluru di kakinya sehingga perlawanannya terpaksa berhenti. Ia lalu ditahan di Kutaraja, namun anak buahnya tetap melakukan perlawanan.
Setelah penangkapannya oleh Belanda, dia dipindahlan ke kutaraja. Kakinya yang tertembak karena tidak menerima perawatan yang cukup lalu membusuk dan harus diamputasi. Setelah Pocut Baren dinyatakan sembuh dari sakitnya dan diyakini oleh Belanda tidak akan melakukan perlawanan lagi, maka ia dikembalikan ke kampung halamannya di Tungkop sebagai seorang uleebalang.
Namun demikian perlawanan Pocut tidaklah berhenti sampai disitu saja. Walau ia tidak dapat berperang langsung namun jiwa panglimanya terus berkobar. Dia terus menyemangati para anak buahnya. Melalui syair dan pantun dia menyemangati para pengikutnya agar tetap bersemangat melakukan perlawanan terhadap kaphe Belanda. Pantun-pantunya yang popular dan mengesankan itu masih belum dilupakan orang.
Pocut Baren wafat dan dimakamkan di kampung halamannya, Kemukiman Tungkop, Kecamatan Sungai Mas, Kabupaten Aceh Barat. Sebagai bentuk penghargaan pemerintah memberi nama salah satu jalan di Aceh dengan nama Pocut Baren.
About Teuku Asri Mahdi
Teuku Asri
Saya hanyalah seorang anak Aceh yang cinta mati terhadap segala apapun yang berhubungan dengan Aceh. Atas alasan inilah blog ini menjadi inspirasi saya untuk semakin mencintai Aceh.
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