The tragic story of a human tragedy is condemned to be a statue often occurring in the past as the legendary Malin Kundang story of Durhaka's son who got his mother's curse and then became a rock, the same thing happened to Princess Pukes which later became the stone statue in Goa Pukes due to exposure because not heed the words of the beloved mother.
The story of this curse occurred in Central Aceh, precisely on the edge of the lake of freshwater Takengon Village, Mandale Kecamatan Kebayakan Central Aceh. The place is still often visited by tourists who want to know the mystery story that occurred in the past, even on holidays this place is lined with tourists from variousDaerah in Indonesia.
Takengon tourist area is indeed save a lot of interesting legend story of the past to know starting from the story of bako pans, pitcher into stone, Princess Green up to the story of Princess Pukes who became a stone statue because it hit his mother's curse.
Such stories often occur in the past, but recently rumors have been a curse against two teenagers of different types who said he was cursed to be a statue in sunan giri, because doing things that are not appropriate diarea burial, even a lot of videos circulating on youtube, while other news mention the statue of dempat is found in suramadu beach of madura precisely in Kwanyar Village, truth of this story still be mystery until now, what just issue or or really happened?
Regarding the story of Princess Pukes is said to have happened in the past only with a different version of the story that begins from the marriage of a beautiful daughter with a beautiful princes beloved, it is said that the marriage was not sanctioned the Princess's mother so it must end with disaster.
But in another version the Princess was exposed to the curse of kicking her mother while she was praying. At that time he was upset to wait for his beloved husband who did not go home from the war even though it has been months or years as time passes but there is no sure news about her beloved husband
Knowing his daughter is always overwhelmed with sadness, as usual His mother came to the house Pukes, where he lived with his saum and always give advice as generally done a mother of his beloved son. But the daughter who has longed for her husband never paid attention to every remark that came out of her mother's mouth even he just silent and crying with hope that the husband came back safely to his lap.
One day her mother came back and persuaded Pukes to forget her husband and assured her that the tide would not come back because for years there had been no news, the pukes who did not receive the persuasion was finally disturbed by the presence of the mother who seemed to break her hopes to meet back with her beloved husband.
To spill out his frustration, finally Pukes acted out of reason, then kicked his mother while he was praying, that's when the mother felt what his son did was not worth it so pray to the Almighty to give lessons to his son, the prayer was finally granted so that makes Pukes slowly turned into stone.
Read: Statue of Human Being Suspected of Curse in Madura
In another story, it is said that the pernikan did not get the blessings of the mother, of course with certain reasons that may be one of them will cause his son can not live happily if pernikan with the prince was resumed, including the unwillingness of her husband for years.