Strange History

in history •  6 years ago 

Strange History: Truth belongs to those who can write it, the victors, or those who shout the hardest.

These days, with the death of Winnie Mandela, many people and newspapers, said that she was the mother of the nation.

A few decades before, Mrs. Betsie Verwoerd was also regarded as the mother of the nation.

                                                                                                     P.O. Box 21,
                                                                                                     10 September 1966

Mrs. B. Verwoerd,

Honoured Mrs. Verwoerd,

It is with the deepest shock and sadness that we, the black residents of Kutloanong town, Odendaalsrus, had to learn of the tragic passing away of our beloved Father, your husband. We mourn with you and your children and we pray that the Lord will grant His mercy and strength for consolation and peace to all of you and to us.

As a symbol of our empathy with you and your children in this hour, as 12000 blacks in this town, we send tangible proof of what we as blacks thought of Doctor (Verwoerd) and how we feel about his death.

In the polished glass vessel that we are sending to you, you will find thousands of beads. Every bead symbolizes a tear of a black man, or -women or -child of this town and was placed in this vessel one-by-one during two separate memorial services for Doctor Verwoerd by us.

Dear Mother of South Africa know this: this tangible proof of our love for Doctor Verwoerd reflects not only our feelings locally, but the feelings of the blacks of South Africa with only some exceptions of people who do not know where they want to go. We know what our people think and say across South Africa (and they) have every hope for the future because, with the mercy of God, H.F. Verwoerd our Father and Friend, set firmly that brightest future for all races in this country and sealed it with his blood.

                   We salute you, Mother of South Africa.

                                                         SECRETARY BANTOE ADVISORY BOARD
                                                         KUTLOANONG BANTOE TOWN
  • Translated and published on Steemit by Omar Fourie on 29 August 2018.



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