in history •  7 years ago 


Bread canai is a kind of flat bread with Indian influence, which is commonly found in Indonesia and Malaysia. This bread can be found in Malaysian mamak outlets or at Aceh's restaurants in Indonesia. In Singapore, this kind of bread is named after prata.

Ruti Cane or bread cane is a kind of bread. It looks rounded, claimed to be the precursor of martabak. The question does not need to be doubted. The question is what is the origin of the bread?

This bread is very popular in some countries, such as popular English anywhere, so there are many places to learn English. And every country has its own name for that type of bread. Hence, healthy food substitute for rice is still not clear where it came from.

Even so, at least you know a little about this typical culinary. Surely it is well understood that this bread is widely available in Aceh. So, if you come in Aceh, this special culinary should be considered to be brought as souvenirs.

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