Indian Housewives richest in the world

in history •  6 years ago 

India is the largest consumer of gold in the world. 963 tons annually! Indian gold is different from Russian gold. Our " red "gold 585-th sample for the Indians "bad". Indian gold 958-th sample, that is, in the alloy 95.8% gold content!

It has a pronounced yellow color. This gold is cleaner and much softer, from which it is easily deformed and scratched. But Indian women, this fact does not bother, because gold jewelry, it is also a means of accumulation, savings. Usually jewelry put on celebrations, such as a wedding, and the rest of the time keep their gold reserves at home.
Gold in the Indian, and throughout the Indian society is not something that is important, but still a cult value! Since time immemorial, Indians have loved gold. The mention of gold as a product of great value is found in religious books, the age of which is several thousand years. The Hindus believe that gold is the metal of the demigods and monarchs.
11% of the world's gold reserves are in the hands of Indian Housewives! This is much more than the number of gold reserves of the USA, Germany, Switzerland and the International monetary Fund. That's a huge percentage. In India, gold is a symbol of wealth, purity and good luck. It is given to a wedding, at the birth of a child, on religious holidays, and also presented as a gift when someone moves up the career ladder. Gold is handed down from generation to generation, and its number is constantly increasing throughout life.
In India, the tradition of wedding gold is so strong that the demand for it is essential for the global gold mining industry. As jokingly say about the season of weddings in India: the onset of this period can be judged by the increase in gold prices in the world market.
Usually in the homes of the wealthy to the wedding collects a few kilograms of gold metal. The more gold jewelry on the bride, the higher the status of the family in the society of India.
The pride of the bride is the amount of gold presented to her, which she willingly demonstrates during the wedding, so that guests can admire the bride's gifts. And to give the bride in India is not only jewelry, but also gold in the form of bars and gold coins. Get an Indian bride for the wedding gold always remains their own capital and serve as their key to financial security. Husbands do not have the right to dispose of these gold assets. Gold is perhaps the only thing a woman in India has the right to control.

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Да, есть такое дело. Пока американцы закупаются бумажными деривативами на золото, Индия - главный рынок золота физического.

А я вот главным заметила не это, а то что там защищают женщин) Владеет золотом женщина, и все что дарят ей на свадьбу и не только остаётся у нее в случае развода. У мусульман тоже выкуп за жену - это ее личные деньги на случай развода.

Пережиток тех времён, когда мужчина был единственным кормильцем для женщины и мог её выпнуть из дома оставив ей только то что на ней надето. Отсюда и всякие монисты из золота которые там постоянно носили.
Теория игры. Оптимизация своего поведения под существующие правила.

Как раз наверное у них никто жену с горой золота не выгоняет. А у нас до сих пор часто в таком положении с детьми женщины оказвваются