I forgot to bring my Lenin biography to the mechanic today, so wikipedia pulled me in instead.
Did you know that ancient civilizations that used 12/24 hour systems simply took the amount of daylight available, divided by 12, and had different lengths of hours based on season and latitude, and that they constantly recalibrated their water clocks with sundials to remeasure?
That the Sol (a day on Mars) is actually pretty close to the length of an earth day, and that more than one sci fi author has just had martian civilizations shut off their clocks for 39 minutes and 40 seconds a day so they don't have to make each Mars second 1.027 Earth seconds?
Then the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (the OSCE) released their 108 page report on Russian violations of international law in Ukraine, and I had something hold my attention longer.
Anyways, the important thing is that my car is fixed.