in history •  9 years ago 

Whatever !, I confess I am "sadomasochistic" in certain circumstances, I like to see a jealous and wanting to kill women ...
I swear, he's a very dangerous show, at first thousands of tricks to make you believe you are relaxed invent and that without you the world is ... But no !, is the opposite, then the world collapsed for them and gradually rises their temperature and that is where the real show starts, you offend in the most diplomatic way never seen, until the effervescent point "Alka seltzer" and that is where you start to enjoy a point height of masochism, because to leave would be a waste of fun and stay a waste of bad adjectives ....
And worth it, because at that time the beast is released, it is that you can feel the extraordinary sense of control and absolute power over them ...
And I confess, I enjoy it but not power! ... And dessert is seeing her sleep peacefully, at your side, as usual, after a third world war, with that tenderness that only they and newborns have ...
Believe me, it is priceless ... No one sleeps laughing business ...
Watch them sleep peacefully, wrapped in the perfect simulation of the most harmless of innocence, after I caused a tsunami to scale back your life a 'Bon Yurt "

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