One Family To Rule Them All?

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

Chances are, if you've spent any amount of time trying to figure out how the world really operates, you've stumbled upon the name Rothschild a time or two during your travels. While Rothschild isn't a household name like Bush or Clinton, the Rothschilds play a lead role on the global stage—but unlike our political figureheads, we have no say in the Rothschild's rule, much less a say in how they rule. In fact, what I've noticed is that if you even dare suggest that the Rothschilds or another family or corporation is playing puppeteer, you'll get labeled an "antisemitic conspiracy theorist" at some point in your venture.


But in an effort to reveal what as once hidden, let us cast away the fear of being laughed at or shunned. This won't be an exhaustive video on the Rothschilds, but I hope to give you enough information to spark your interest so you'll do your own research. Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, we can all work together to formulate peaceful solutions. While not the only ruling body near the top of the pyramid, the House of Rothschild, their Jesuit handlers, and most importantly, the driving force behind their actions, are certainly worthy of discussion, don't you think?

Here's the video I made about the House of Rothschild:

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Sources, further reading/viewing:

-Holy Bible - King James Version:

Revelation 2:9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelations 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

-Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - Albert Pike - 1872

-Bloodlines Of The Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier - 1995

-Ok blog post on Khazarian Mafia that needs citations, but is an alright start:

-The Ashkenazi and Khazarian Jews - The Truth Behind the Bloodline

-The Synagogue Of Satan 1878 - 1919

  • The Hidden History of the Khazarian Empire

  • Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel:

  • Hansjurgen Koehler "Inside The Gestapo":

  • "A little servant girl…….came to Vienna and became a domestic servant…….at the Rothschild mansion…….and Hitler’s unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house."

    • Walter Langer "The Mind Of Hitler":

    "Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber…….Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home…….where Alois was born."

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    Grace, thank you so much for making this video. I've really been enjoying seeing the direction of your channel develop lately. You do a great job of taking complex subjects and breaking them down. I would love to see a video that dives another level deeper on the family, specifically into the genius behind their expansion campaign. How they would bring in the most powerful industries to be part of the "board". These industries would come in and now be in the pocket of the family. The byproduct of this approach created the most powerful network the world has ever seen.

    Keep up the great work Grace. Sorry I was so weird to you when you reached out to me in the beginning. Take care!


    Also... very happy to see you on this platform. I just joined about a week ago

    Rothschilds...words cannot describe how much damage they have done to people over the years.

    Unfortunately that's a true statement. How many people IRL do you know who know about the Rothschilds? I feel like everyone in the online "truth" community is totally familiar, but I can't recall anyone in my personal life mentioning their name.

    This is true much like you mentioned many people consider it "Conspiracy theories" Most people I'v met would see it that way as well. But I have met a handful who would agree with us. I feel like awareness is growing thanks to people such as yourself. Slow as it is for people to see the truth.

    I thought Rothschild was a pretty familiar name like Rockefeller, known by most people. Just not notified as in how much actual influence they have on the world.

    Welcome to Steemit Grace. I watch your vids on YouTube sometimes. Follow back if you can, and keep up the good work.

    Thanks for watching my videos. Followed you back.

    I have been "following" the Rothschild, bilderburgs, Rockefellers etc for well over a decade. They are the elite ruling force and the puppets are actually our so called leaders such as the POTUS for example. They've had influence for so so long. I don't think there's any peaceful solution, sorry. Nor do i think outside of a massive awakening (note awakening of the sheeple) and gathering of collective forces of people willing to go against the grain will they be taken down. I just think it's like impossible. And yes they kill political figureheads going against them. Plus there are so many off shoots and the elite families have their vice like grip over e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!! They do rule our world. The world is and has been for so long practically a one world order already bevause of the pyramid of these people. Not to mention the "fallen angels" who bred with humans. Wonder what they're up to. Okay forgive, totally different topic. Or is it? I think humans are almost all SHEEP they have their fancy new cell phones, their"amazing" career that they will spend most of their careeer paying off their student debt, oh so painfully slow. Its all a game. Materialism, more, more more. That's why credit cards and pay day loans are so effing rampant. Ill never forget a patient of mine. She and her husband were probably in their mis 40s. She had fancy designer clothing, designer watches, purses, all the things that are so important to have. The sheep fall for these ploys. is better, must have now in am almost zombie like state of mind. her husband who i gathered worked a middle class job was always on the phone with credit card companies when i would go into her hosputal room. He had stacks and stacks of credit cards. I would unobtrusively observe him giving the wrong card number to the wrong creditor. So so so sad. But hey that's the dream right? ? That makes you happy Right?? You are like so doing better than your modest neighbors who have a giant nest egg saved up and don't drive a Mercedes on a middle class job. Until we can get the masses to disengage and UNPLUG themselves we will never be a utopian society. And we will continue to be a nation of People who " have it all" but are secretly pill popping depressed fucks.

    One of the best comments I've seen. Waking up is such a long and hard process though.. I guess the earlier you begin to question things the better

    I agree. The longer you stay in that comfort zone of oblivion the less likely you wake up

    ayyy love that you are part of the Steemit commity. I follow your Youtube channel and you do really awesome work. Steemit is a great place for your content and will help you monetize your mission better than Youtube or even a donation-based platform like Patreon. As long as you keep making quality content on here you earn. Keep doing great things :)

    I like your work @reallygraceful, and I, too, used to think that JFK was going to end the fed, but I've learned recently that it was quite the opposite:

    The JFK / Fed Myth BUSTED: G. Edward Griffin on The Corbett Report

    Great video, as always, I'll be taking a look at the others you've posted.

    "Following the rabbit down the wrong rabbit hole". Very nice info thanks, I thought Kennedy was a good guy but this is very interesting! It just shows you that extensive research has to be done before publishing a 'conspiracy' and people should not just accept a new one because it fits into the current 'conspiracy'