The History Of Vaccine Series

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

Disease, Greed, and Hubris

Dirty Hands


Throughout the Western World before modern medicine took over, women called midwives delivered the common persons baby. Everything that had to do with the publics health, including midwifery was taken over by allopathic medicine. Men took over the delivery of babies and were named obstetricians and many were medical students. Delivering babies increased their business and profits. What followed was disease and death.

“Man-midwifery was an uncertain but increasingly fashionable and sometimes quite lucrative area of practice for physicians; it may, for this reason, have been a field in which ideas about theory and practice were particularly strongly contested. Midwifery, formerly the preserve of women, was receiving increasing attention from medical men—both physicians and surgeons—during the eighteenth century. Prominent within this area of practice were the surgeons, for whom midwifery was seen as a natural extension of their activities. Surgeons had traditionally been called in to difficult births by midwives, usually when there was a need to extract an already dead foetus from the womb in order to save a mother’s life. During the eighteenth century, surgeons were increasingly finding ways to extend their practice into the area of normal childbirth. Men-midwives, although recognized by society as holding respectable positions and possessing expertise, found their status limited by the “hands-on” nature of their work. Nevertheless, within broader social terms, man-midwifery could be seen as a field of financial and career opportunity. These ambiguities and uncertainties within the status of men-midwives may have contributed to the intensity and competitiveness of the debates which can be found.” “Christine Hallett, PhD, “The Attempt to Understand Puerperal Fever in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: The Influence of Inflammation Theory,” Medical History, vol. 49, no. 1, January 1, 2005, pp. 1–28.”

Puerperal Fever


Also known as “childbed fever was a disease spread by arrogance and greed. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes of The USA and Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis of Austria were advocates for women and promoted hand-washing within the allopathic community. Which midwives practiced for thousands of years. Wash your hands and keep all your tools clean and smelling pleasant. A bad smelling dwelling was known to promote illness.

Both were ignored by the medical profession, which responded by accused both doctors bias. How could doctors of good standing carry disease on their hands? Both doctors had their characters attacked and their livelihood. Dr Semmelweis in 1865 was manipulated into admitting himself into an insane asylum and tried to escape. He was beaten by guards, wounded, developed gangrene, which lead to his premature death.


I will write another paper on insane asylum, I was horrified reading the history of psychology as well as allopathy. My first major was psychology and my mentor advised me to go into nursing. I call him Dr Wise, he worked for a major university in primate studies. Which, in my opinion working with him caused him horrible psychological scaring from experiments done on animals and humans, he was in his 70s back in 2000.

Dr Holmes left the medical profession and became a writer, he was so disgusted with allopathic hygienic practices.


The reason I am writing this little article is to never forget the horrendous loss of life caused by allopathic arrogance. Most women who died were poor and had no funds/insurance to help their husbands and surviving children cope with loss of income and care. One never hears about puerperal fever and it’s causes in 101 medical and psychological course work unless you read outside of your course curriculum. You will read about why hygiene is important in course work and there will be mention of women dying from doctors unwashed hands. However you will not read about the fight to reform hygiene protocols and doctors lives ruined because they stood up against the medical institutions.

From 1746 onward after midwives were kicked out of their traditional roles more than 50% of mothers who gave in in Paris hospitals died. The best read on this problem comes from Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis in his book, Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis


Dr Semmelweis held many different staff positions and where he worked because of his hygiene practices the death of mothers after childbirth dropped. Because of consensus within the medical profession the statistics were ignored and ridiculed.

“Another example, from Britain, was the widespread use of chloroform and forceps by general practitioners in uncomplicated deliveries between 1870 and the 1940s. This was described by one observer as a tendency a “little short of murder” and accounted for many unnecessary deaths. “Irvine Loudon, “Maternal Mortality in the Past and Its Relevance to Developing Countries Today,”American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 72, suppl. 1, July 2000, pp. 241S–246S.”

Most doctors ignored hygiene articles and data until the 1940s when antibiotics were introduced. After the invention of antibiotics, puerperal fever took a nosedive. Semmelweis and Breisky’s records proved that doctors could have prevented most of the deaths caused by allopathic doctors if they had only washed their hands.

How Many Women Died?


The impact on the population because of allopathic arrogance can be looked at this way, one fifth of the population were women of childbearing age and over 30% died after childbirth from Puerperal Fever. Couple this with everything else the poor had to deal with, both parents having to work, unskilled childcare, poor housing and food, no clean water or waste disposal systems and an unsafe work environment, the poor population of the West was being destroyed. Remember things hadn’t changed much for the poor less than a hundred years ago!


Infants whose mothers died after giving birth had four times higher risk of dying, mostly from infectious diseases. It is well known that breast milk protects children from diseases and infections. This is not mentioned by the vaccine propaganda machine, which never mentions the millions of lives that could of been saved if doctors had washed their hands.

The End Result Of Allopathic Hubris


Millions of motherless children died, lived a malnourished life of disease, forced to work in mines, factories, and sweatshops.

If infants could have been loved and breastfed by their mothers, older children had someone at home to care and teach them the proper way to live as we have always done through our old traditional ways, the misery of the 1700s to the 1900s could of been avoided. Our medical professionals today point to vaccines reduced the diseases we suffered from in the past but avoid all the suffering their arrogance caused and leave out all the other causes of reduced death from infectious diseases.



After I started ordering history books from my library I found hundreds of allopathic doctors who did stand up, speaking out against bad science and harmful practices throughout modern medicine’s history. They were shunned and ignored. Many ended up in prison, losing everything they had worked for including their medical license. Even today when professionals and concerned citizens speak up about nutrition and hygiene preventing disease they are shunned by their medical community, many suffer the loss of business and reputation. Some end up in jail, their practices labeled as quackery.

“Preventable medical error is well documented all throughout the world and is the third leading cause of death in the United States (225,000 deaths per year*), with similar numbers wherever the same medical paradigms are implemented. Yet every time an unvaccinated person enters their office, zealously pro-vaccine doctors arrogantly overlook the truth that a person’s risk of dying or being maimed from accepted medical practice they offer, is far, far higher than any possible death or maiming from a supposedly vaccine-preventable disease. *Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 284, no. 4, July 26, 2000, pp. 483–485.

History Of Vaccine Series 4

History Of Vaccine Series 3

History Of Vaccine Series 2

History Of Vaccine Series 1

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Vaccines are greatest invention in modern medicine, but stupidity of minority always amazes me , for example smallpox were practically gone from face of the earth , but thanks to our anti-vaccine movement they came back. Great article. I am sorry for bringing depressing subject to table but i think i is important issue people need to talk about. This is coming from medicine student.

I don't think it is the minority!

First answer these questions by Dr Garrow as follows:

  1. How is it that small-pox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in unvaccinated.
  2. How is it that, as the percentage of people vaccinated has steadily fallen from about 85 in 1870 to about 40 in 1925, the number of people attacked with variola has declined pari passu and the case mortality has progressively lessened? The years of least vaccination have been the years of least small-pox and of least mortality.
  3. How is it that in some of our best vaccinated towns – for example Bombay and Calcutta – small-pox is rife, whilst in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown?
  4. How is it that something like 80 percent of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Asylum Board small-pox hospitals have been vaccinated whilst only 20 percent have not been vaccinated?
  5. How is it that in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths [from smallpox] in proportion to the population than in England – for example, in 1919, 28 deaths in England, 707 in Germany; in 1920, 30 deaths in England, 354 in Germany. In Germany, in 1919 there were 5,012 cases of small-pox with 6 deaths. What is the explanation?
  6. Is it possible to explain the lessened incidence and fatality of small-pox on the same grounds as the lessened incidence and fatality of other infectious fevers – namely, as due to improved hygiene and administrative control? He finished his letter to the editor with these words: “There are just a few points in connection with the subject which are puzzling me, and to which I want answers. I am in doubt and I want to know the truth. Will some of the experts help me?”

This is a list with roughly 10000 scientific publicaitons that discovered links between vaccination and disease. The papers are from 1928 to 2011. It's is an extensive guide and only includes references with names such as for example: Duverne J, Volle H, Gogue Y. Hyperergic accidents
of the Sanarelli­Shwartzman type caused by DT­polio vaccination in children. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1966 Mar­Apr;73(2):221­3.

Study it for yourself you can access many of these papers from the University of Tel'Aviv or from any University provided you are a student or staff member enrolled so you can access scientific journals.

This is a list that contains 144 research papers published in scientific journals and or private research groups such as Envion (a private company based in Denmark that is a policy advisor to governments in the health care sector).

The research in this document is conducted by researchers from several American Universities, but also UK (Imperial College London), or Egypt or Asia. Anyone who claims these are 'junk' institutions, or junk scientists, or junk journals is retarded. All of this is peer-reviewed science in peer-reviewed journals from reknown institutions such as La Belle Vie Research Laboratory in Japan or the University of Kairo, Bejing, Bristol, Toronto, etc. The list is figuratively endless.

Even the CDC is aware of this: an excerpt from a conference they had in 1999 on vaccine damage stated: This analysis suggests that high exposure to ethyl mercury from thimerosal containing vaccines in the first month of li!e increases the risk of subsequent development of neurologic development impairment. From: CDC (Center of Disease control) Conference about Vaccination and its danger 1999.

Yeah, this shit that Merck got sued over and had to award damages for because it made people retarded. The judge obviously only filed the claim because the science showed that vaccines are perfect and would never harm anyone. . no sarcasm Judges just hate Big Pharma. All bias.

Anyone, who reads the scientific literature or classics such as Bechamps theory of diseases compared to Pasteurs theory of disease, or even Crookshanks view of vaccination compared to those of Jenner would know that vaccination is a horrible idea and self-harm.

Just to break it down real quick: Jenner (the 'inventor of vaccines') was a mentally retarded piece of shit who vaccinated his son which turned him into a wheel-chair vegetable for the rest of his life. Jenner then went on to claim that vaccination was succesful and healthy because it worked in another case (a black slave whom he 'vaccinated' against cow pox, which was basically a lie). Crookshank then wrote a book about why Jenner is in fact mentally retarded and should be locked up because he is killing people or making them either physically handicapped or mentally sick. He did that by, for example, interviewing the slave woman whom Jenner had claimed to have vaccinated, which again, turned out to be a lie. Ergo, it is exactly the same as it is today. Pharmacists lie to people to sell them poison, which also creates repreat customer who buy other poison to get rid of the 'side-effects' of the initially injected poisons.

Omg, a mentally retarded piece of shit....haha, thanks for an awesome reply and data base!

You are welcome. I really dislike Jenner since he is responsible for at least a dozen deaths personally and then approximately hundreds of thousands preventable deaths that are caused by his rancid unscientific ideas based on conjecture on how things should work according to him. Sadly, nature does not bow its head to the whims of an insane lunatic and so natural selection took care of him because he managed to mutilate his own offspring into an early grave by vaccinating him.

If this isn't irony I don't know what is. He is celebrated for his achievements for public health and has streets names after him (even here in Amsterdam) and yet he has accomplished nothing but hubris and his insanity even ended his own biological lineage.

We have a bunch of scientist and allopathic doctors blogging on steemit. I read the horrible things Jenner did to his son and so many other children who didn't live very long after he experimented on them. This is still happening today with modern vaccines. I know about the vaccine court here in the USA. I haven't posted on any of our modern vaccine programs because I am focusing on this history so we can understand what is happening today regarding our rights and mandatory allopathic medicine.

Yeah that's great.
Sorry I am not active on Steemit to often.

I think it's great that you are doing this because people need to know. I am against mandatory vaccination also, but I live in Europe and to me it seems that you still have a lot of options in the United States provided you are able to move through the court system.

You also have the largest population of home schooled children so in that case you as American really have a lot of freedoms that are not as common here in Europe.

Ah, I miss the US. Maybe I'll move back the US once I am done with my degree in Amsterdam.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information @reddust!


Oh, is this same "Dr" Garrow that said Obama is Saudi Arabia secret agent?
I actually checked the data that is listed here. Every statistic that "Dr". Garrow listed is not backed up by any reliable source. Absolutely not a single one. I am finishing my medicine studies so i know actual process behind Vaccine. Processes that are proven to be thousand times, if you were an expert (i see you are open for a healthy discussion and i respect that from you, but you are clearly not an expert, nor a Doctor) you should know that. It is nice to be suspicious , but this article (that you wrote really nice) is no more but a conspiracy theory

@pjcswart if you were reading what I said you would see that i mentioned "it is nice to be suspicious" but that is actually problem of people like you . YOU DON'T READ and that is actually why when people like you post an opinion 99 % of population sort it as unreliable. I believe you have Average or Above average IQ ( steemit is for open minded people) so i strongly suggest you explore and learn science behind vaccines. All anti-vaccine propaganda is not supported by any public reliable medicine magazine

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Research who gives advertising money to medical magazines and grants to medical and science journals....It's the vaccine industry. No one wants to bite the hand that feeds it. Also read about the scandals that plague scientific journals regarding faking experiments and review board fraud.

According to a survey published in the journal Nature last summer, more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments.


people always think they have proof drugs/vaccines work because its in a peer reviewed journal, look what happens in some of the best journals > Arguably the most prestigious medical journal in the world, the New England Journal of Medicine regularly features articles over which pharmaceutical companies and their employees can exert significant
influence. Over a year-long period ending in August, NEJM
published 73 articles on original studies of new drugs, encompassing
drugs approved by the FDA since 2000 and experimental drugs, according to a review by The Washington Post. Of those articles, 60 were funded by a pharmaceutical company, 50 were co-written by drug company employees and 37 had a lead author, typically an academic, who had previously accepted outside compensation from the sponsoring drug company in the form of consultant pay, grants or speaker fees. Just when you think you have proof drugs/vaccines work, think again!!

Thank you for the additional information @truthtrain. I try and keep things simple when debating. The information from you and others help me so much. Also I don't like to debate people who start off the debate with an insult, usually using their qualifications for being in the know and bringing up the word conspiracy...I don't debate people who start calling names or saying they know more than I do.... it is a waste of my time.

Well Said!

So True What A MESS!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Honestly today i have seen the right platform to get information. Thanks to you. Really reallly greatful

Thank you @cyprianj

Only 6% of drug advertising material is supported by scientific evidence

Doctors trusting drug thugs for their information

Thank you so much for your kind words @iamemir! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Whats wrong with conspiracy theories? I don't think this is one anyway, I think these are facts!

Conspiracy facts

Like the whole jfk thing...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@iamemir, This statement was made back in the 1920s. The good doctor is dead and doesn't know Obama and I have no clue about secret agents, muslims, or Obama...can you give me a citation?

Great Questions. I think before we believe anything someone says, ask them, "How do you know that?"

Researching all the views of that time are important. I am giving a voice to those who have been ignored or out right lied about regarding our medical and vaccine history.

True that's what I like most about this info.

Cow pus prevented small pox lol ;)

Well then I guess pimple pus prevents pimples

I know, since ancient times we know not to mix species....and the so called doctors used human pus as horse hoof pus...omg.

A medicine student ? What does that mean ?

Do you even understand the difference between cause and effect?

Does your medicine only treat the symptoms ?

You do realize we have nutritional deficiencies from nature not drug deficiencies from science?

Emergemcy / Trauma medicine is appreciated ALL that other crap with a million side effects No thanks

This person is a troll in training, he/she hasn't gotten the routine done yet. No engagement just insinuation and name calling.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was quite surprised myself to learn that as long as no complications is expected and the nearest hospital isn't far away should something go wrong - then it is really better to give birth at home than in the hospital.

We've been through five pregnancies, the last birth was finally as it should be; uncomplicated and at home.

My first steem post covered this journey - and I did briefly mention the story of Semmelweis there as well. :-)

What is that?

pregnant woman

This is a really valuable article. Hand washing is a very important practice often negliged by medical practitioners. Here in Sri Lanka it is often stressed for us about the need to adhere to proper hand washing techniques and strict aseptic practices. These historical facts are new to me. And I would love to share these stories with my colleagues..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I will write up a reading list of the books I read at the end of this series. I am trying to prove hygiene, healthy living/work environment, and nutrition are the key when fighting infectious diseases not vaccines. Vaccinating impoverished groups does not address the causes of these ancient diseases. Vaccination addresses symptoms not causes and I think this is the biggest problem with modern medicine, it is symptom management for profit..

Keep up the good work!

Indeed, even today those who dare speak against the system and the medical establishment are doomed. Waiting for your article on psychiatric care history. It's one of the subjects I find most fascinating, although I feel this is not exactly the right word since the extense of abuse in this domain is incredible.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I was thinking of writing an article comparing the anti vaccine movement of the past to the anti vaccine movement of today. It is fascinating, not even morbidly speaking. The glaring truth is ignored and that is the most fascinating part to me. Thank you for a well thought out comment @ladyrebecca.

Thanks great point. What are you doing to live naturally?

My knowledge about Vaccine and Vaccination is pretty bad. But I think my sister got this knowledge well! So hope this is a good reference to her as well. Actually this is a valuable series, lots of people don't know, coz for me this is an entirely a new domain of knowledge.
How did you know it that much? I think your profession was related to it! Keep it up my dear friend! People like this series! And it's pretty hard to write this series as well!


I Agree Awesome Info Here!

My knowledge is still spotty but once I finish this series I will know a lot more than when I started. There are classes you can take online as well. I may sign up for the course this spring!

So many cases happened In the past just because people are idiots. The great whirlpool of shit thanks to their ignorance that caused a lot of peoples lives. And this whirlpool keeps spinning over and over again until now.
It's just sad.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think it's not that people are idiots. Many had no education, no power or voice even though they spoke out they were ignored. The rest of us are naive and don’t have the balls to question authority, we are trusting because that's how we have been educated in our public school system. Ignorance breeds more ignorance.

I'm too young to talk about such things and it hurts to read about other people misfortune and when I can't help them in any way.
I'll try to start from myself and try not to be ignorant, maybe it can save a few lives who knows. If even an idiot like me can affect others around then it's not over yet, for us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@sadpotato, read all sides of an argument if you can find them. Read pro-con arguments. If you can help yourself that's where it all starts. I only share this information when asked because it is a hot potato, people toss it to someone else because it hurts too badly to hold....

Good Point!

This is a real study, you really did a scientific effort

@dobartim, I found some really good books that make research very easy. Thank you!

I Agree, Awesome Stuff...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm afraid allopathic arrogance will never go away in America, thanks in large part to the Rockefellers and their Foundation. In the early part of the 20th century they began backing medical colleges to push the pharmaceuticals that came from chemical co.'s that used petroleum byproducts. Since then they've invested huge amounts to fight homeopathic remedies. Great article... (If you need anymore info on this or the psychiatric "profession" just holler!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes! I will be writing about the monopoly of medicine! I've ordered a bunch of books to help me because I want really good citations. I will use your knowledge with joy @richq11 ....thank you!

I found some really good stuff on YouTube (of all places) This is about 3 hours long, but it's all done by professionals (plus a few interviews with people that were drugged). I watched because the guy I take care of is on about 7-8 different "nut medicines." It's VERY informative.

This is done by the Corbett Report (who is also on Steemit). He traces the history of the Rockefeller's involvement in medicine

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh that's gold, I will bookmark and use these for further research. One thing I love about good citations, I can find more articles and books to read. I've listened to some of the reports by Corbett!

The psychiatry video was done by a French Medical Assn, not some goofy YouTubers... all professionals with very good details. Corbett's rep speaks for itself... Prior to watching, I had no idea!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This was my first read on the subject....after I wrote a report on Foucault my history professor wanted to hire me as an assistant. Sadly I had to move and couldn’t accept. The next year I dropped out of college for good.

Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (French: Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique) is a 1964 abridged edition of a 1961 book by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. An English translation of the complete 1961 edition, titled History of Madness, was published in June 2006. [wiki]

Boy... If anybody understood insanity it was Foucault!

He was my introduction into postmodern philosophy 😆🤪

I would like more info please send to me, are you on fb?

You have gone through memory lane but not really indepth... You have been able to bring in the past into the present as regards medicine and child bearing. You have also be able to talk about what might have cause some epidemic breakout within the 18th century. Looking forward to you indepth of the whole medical issue and some origin of african medical care @reddust

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can't go into detail because this article is written to support the premise the vaccine industries ideology and practice was built on bad science. I have gone into detail what the causes were for most infectious disease which is overcrowding, poor hygiene, waste disposal, unclean water, poor nutrition, greed, and ignorance from those who stole the common lands from people forcing them into the cities to work in the factories. I will be going into the theft of the commons more, it is fascinating and still happening all over the world.

Sounds fascinating - the theft of the commons...

Alright.... Looking forward to read more from u

Would you believe me to tell you that this topic is what I will talk about in the next publication?
Thank you for talking about it to see it all because no one would see it if I published it

Use good references. I will be writing about Africa and the smallpox vaccine soon. Just put your truth out there ...sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!

And I will wait for him impatiently
After 10 minutes I will publish a topic on general advice for the pregnant woman. I hope you read it and tell me what you think @reddust

Good Point!

Awesome what kind of publication is that, sounds interesting!

thank you my friend .. can you visit my account if you want of course ? i w'll follow you ;)

Sure Why Not? Where are you from?

thank you @pjcswart .. i'm from #Morocco

Cool what do you do?

I have introduced myself in a publication :p

this imformation is very useful for pregnant mothers and also to midwives and doctors to prevent deaths in pregnant mothers and hope mothers and babies can survive after the birth process.

you had a vast amount of knowledge and experience on this thanks for sharing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The books I used for reference were written by experts in their time, they are the ones that have the experience and knowledge of living through the infancy of the government mandated vaccine programs .

There are still doctors and nurses today that don't practise good hand washing techniques. We don't often hear about the disease they past on because it is covered up under the heading of nosocomial infections. Hospital borne disease.

I wouldn't doubt it one bit! Before I dropped out of the BSN program (4 year degree in nursing) I had to take a couple classes in ethics. One of the rules is watch the doctors because they can't be trusted to follow the rules.

Upvoted ty

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.
Eventually you will get pimples - pus
And we will call the pus a virus (poison)
I'm going to collect all that pus and inject that into people to prevent pimples ?!
Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?
Think about it!
Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.
This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.

So this is how the con-game works. They make an animal sick in the lab. They take the infection which they call virus and inject that into another animal. If the animal survives, they claim the poison infection that they injected is the reason for survival. And if the animal dies they blame the animal.
This laboratory madness has NOTHING to do with the cause of NATURAL disease.

poison or virus? what is the difference?
Polio or chemical poisoning?
BHC, DDT, Paris Green , Lead Arsenate...

The more I learn about our immune system, digestive system, and endocrine system, vaccines are on the same par as blood letting.

Waoooooo.........the best post i have read today. You are really a brainiac. Would love more of this post, it is highly fascinating. Great masterpiece!

Nah, I am not brainy, I am curious, but maybe someday when I grow up I will be wise! hahaha thank you @cyprainj.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha....thats really funny. Beleive me when i say you are a brainiac. Such a super expository article can only come from geniuses like you. So pls beleive me on this one, you are a genius

It's one of the topics I find the most exciting and very interesting, although the discovery of these vaccines was great, but there were some unacceptable practices

There still is an ongoing problem with unacceptable practices....greed and ignorance does not care what kind of society or economy it lives in....

Well what i did not know was that not washing your hands can do that much harm

Oh man, I didn't know a lot of this until I started reading for these articles. There are libraries full of this kind of information.

Well i should start reading too, seems quite useful

I honestly had never heard of that fever until now. Seems incredibly awful and depressing to read on. Great write-up though.

If you ever have to deliver a baby, remember to wash you hands, especially if you have to go into the birthing canal. I am glad you know now.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for the valuable info. Sounds like it could never happen but I know quite a few husbands who have had to do this.

Hoping to never be in the situation but definitely something to know in case it ever happens. You never know!

Humans have been having babies for thousands and thousands of years without the help of allopaths ...lolol

Thank you for this post. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Creepy stuff, must be the biggest industry in the world, especially if you include illegal drugs.

Really creepy stuff and modern science gets creepier....shudders....

Reminds me of nazi germany a little...

There have been many nazi Germany's before and after....

REally you think so?

Oh yes, centralized control and economies, mass genocide and slavery....sound familiar?

Sure does, I think there was some bad shit before WW II that people forget about.

look up the word democide

Hi nice article I am following to u and your articles are very interesting good going best of luck. I am new to steemit plz help me and support me

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 8.88% vote... I was summoned by @reddust! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

Awesome like Wonder Woman?


Like a sneaky ninja...


Sounds Like Fun!!

hlw my dear friend @reddust nice" story sharing. & thank you so much for sharing with . have a nice day.

Very useful again my dear thank you for sharing, sharing is caring

@reddust ....really awesome work you did ...This is a real study. Very nice explanations of the modern ways of madicene ... you really did a scientific effort...thank you for sharing with us...

Resteem this fine post mam 👏

Waaaw great work @reddust
Thanks for sharing with us

indeed a very informative post for all of us especially pregnant women.
Thanks for sharing #reddust

I Agree, great info!

Very important post for all of us thanks for sharing this dear :)

I agree we only need midwives for normal childbirth. I had my last two children at home and unassisted. It was perfect!

Is The Real history...

LOVE! We're an almost-completely unvaccinated family (our kids, that is), with the exception of tetanus.

Beautiful and awesome written, Thanks for sharing @reddust

@reddust great article

This has really enlightened me. Thank you so much@reddust

Vaccines could have their own side effects

Nice and interesting information.. thanks for sharing!

Great things to grasp from this i only seek to learn more and more from your post

do not be afraid to vote

This post has received a 10.03 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @reddust

you are really great & story also.thank you so much for sharing with . have a nice day.All the best.

YES Definitely a wonderfully informative post!

great effort in bringing all of this to us thanks a lot for posting this

No man can live happy when he is greedy

Yeah do things with the right intentions!

Yes it is very clear

Now way are you also into personal development?

That's because of ourselves

Really? What do you mean?

Try visiting your blog
There's something I mean
And maybe there's something you like later

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Crystal Clear!!

really interesting sir @reddust thanks for shareing

This a great post for us... Whc we have learnt alot...don't be selfish

This post has received 25% upvote from @minnowspower thanks to: @theguruasia

MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid

Patriarchal hubris has a lot to answer for.