Government in Ancient Egypt

in history •  7 years ago 

According to the myth of Osiris, the land of Kemet was given to Osiris and after his murder and vengeance on his wicked brother Seth by Osiris son Horus, Horus was the legal inheritor, the kings of Egypt were the living Horus which meant that the king/Horus owned the land and everything within the land, the flora, fauna, animals and people. During the early history of Egypt the people were regarded as the chattels of the estates belonging to the Nomarchs/lords of the local towns and cities but, by the time of the middle kingdom the people were actually given an identity as “Remet” meaning people, the people of Egypt called themselves “Remet Kemet” or people of Egypt. A large proportion of the Egyptians were engaged in food production. Farming was a must for the vast population of 1.6 million during the Old Kingdom rising to an average population of 3 million in the New Kingdom. In all parts of society the people were interested in agriculture, which brought subsistence and wealth and power. The King had two Viziers, to help him govern and collect taxes. One vizier for Upper Egypt and one Vizier for Lower Egypt. During the Middle Kingdom, Egypt expanded into Nubia (modern day Sudan) and the kings appointed a Vizier to govern called “The head of the south”. Below viziers came chancellors, Superintendents, Nomarchs, Mayors and Scribes. Other sections of influence were the people close to the kings court, these would include family members and favoured ones, titles would be given such as “The keeper of the royal horses” “The royal Butler”, “head of the Army” etc.

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