The Age of Elegance

in history •  6 years ago  (edited)


With so much flair and pomp, excitement of the pending Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, I think it suitable to dig into Royalty's past.

An age of revolution happened in the 17th century and then the age of stability in the 18th century. Oliver Cromwell and his army council were quiet now and in it's stead peace abound and people prospered. No one wanted to stir up trouble. Even 'enthusiasm' was a bad word. Cool reasoning was preferred to outbreaks of emotion. Alexander Pope advised to avoid extremes. Finely polished, witty and not profound, was typical of the age.


In politics it was a Whig age. The Tories and their Jacobite enthusiasm was seen as dangerous and old - fashioned. This new age could be noticed in architecture. The plain classical style of ancient times, where preferred over the Baroque styles. It was an age of towns and townhouses which was built in the Georgian style. Careful Town planning took place. The beautiful views of London along the Thames by the Italian painter, Canaletto, which are so popular on calendars, caught the spirit of the age.

It was a time when the countryside was admired and enjoyed. It was not yet spoiled by factories. The English Manor house amid its parkland, orchards and fields was seen to be the most desirable residence for a gentleman. When I was in England, I visited many Manor houses, which are now museums, but still surrounded by the Parklands as far as the eye can see. When visiting there, the spirit of that age is still felt. The public go there on picnics, walk their dogs and enjoy the beauty all around.


At this time a love of nature developed and this caused great interest in landscaping gardens. The English preferred huge trees to the prim French hedges. Much money was spent on improving property. Nearly all objects were still made by hand. The 18th century was the last age of English and Scottish craftsmanship. There was a Chinese influence on furniture and this sometimes spread to architecture. Later the Gothic Revival with country houses built like Medieval cathedrals, threatened to be the norm.

There was an increase in wealth and leisure. Theater and art improved. Literacy became of great importance and the wealthy had libraries filled with books in their homes. Portraits and paintings developed into useful conversation pieces.


Elegant and orderly seemed so attractive in the 18th century, but not everybody could own art by the famous artists or watch the latest plays at theaters. There was much cruelty, mental and physical, much gambling and drinking, wasting of time, money and talent. The expression 'as drunk as a lord' probably dates to that era.

I'm happy to know that the 21st century is most elegant. Besides rumors and divorces, the royalty is very elegant and set in their ways, some habits still executed the same as 1000 years ago. May the new royal couple be happily married and continue serving the charitable organizations that the royals so dutifully do, lending a helping hand. Maybe it is the age of service in this era.


Sources : Wikipedia, Exerpts from the History of Britain by Neil Grant, Social media, Pixabay, Unsplash, Google Images

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Welcome back @ruthofisrael .. A girl should be two things: who and what she wants..We must never confuse elegance with snobbery.

I would love to visit those beautiful gardens