"The Pentagon team noted that the hemispherical energy barrier had the same vibrational frequency and the same shape as one other top secret underground structure that they had discovered prior, near Baghdad, Iraq. Shortly after this discovery, the Iraqi war broke out and after a few months, the Americans had access to the biggest secret in the area — which the Iraqis knew nothing of."
"The U.S. adviser on national security issues received a call and he was notified that the energetic shield from Baghdad, Iraq, had been suddenly activated, and it was also pulsating at a higher frequency.
In front of the shield from Baghdad, a hologram of our planet appeared, which sequentially and progressively depicted the European Continent, then moved to the south-east, then it showed the Bucegi Mountains from Romania and, finally, it showed their own location within the structure’s corridor. It was obvious that the two hemispherical energy shields were in a direct connection.
Basically, the Iraqi base had been notified about the presence of people inside the Romanian base."
"In later years, a persistent and bonkers conspiracy is that the United States actually launched the Iraq War of 2003 for the purpose of getting their hands on the stargate, which was at the time supposedly thought to have been moved to a cavern beneath one of Saddam Hussein’s palaces, where the dictator had learned to harness its power. America apparently got wind that Hussein had control of this powerful relic and moved in, thus starting the war. When Baghdad fell to American forces the area happened to fall smack in the middle of the highly guarded and fortified Green Zone, which the conspiracy states is no coincidence. There have been a few whistleblowers who allegedly have come out of the woodwork to confirm that The U.S. wanted access to this technology, including one Dan Burisch, who claims that he was part of a covert team that went into Iraq on a mission to find the portal."
“Stargate” mentioned in “Iraq War Logs” leaked by Chelsea Manning before imprisonment
"then-President George W. Bush invaded that country in an effort to control a Dimension Portal and stop extraterrestrials from annihilating humankind or culling the world’s population."
"According to the claims, the discovery of an ancient stargate in Iraq in the 1920s would send discreet ripples around the world. Over the next decade, many world governments became aware of the discovery. Eager to obtain the technology for themselves, many of them descended upon the area through military units in search of it.
Some even point to the Anglo-Iraqi War of 1941 as simply a front between British governments and those of Germany and Italy (who had sided with Iraqi nationalists). This of course, in reality, was in order to gain control of the stargate, at least according to the theory."
"Dr Michael E. Salla (ExoPolitics.org) believes that the ‘dodgy dossier’ that Bush and Blair used as a pretext for invading Iraq was a cover for their true motivation – to find and activate a ‘Stargate’ possibly hidden beneath the “Dark Ziggurat” of Enzu, which once was the lair of notorious Sumerian sorcerer Gimil-ishbi. Salla describes a Stargate as an artifact that allows instantaneous space-time means of travel to teleport from one place to another."
"this time-travel technology, and how the technology works, and it has to do with prophecy, and an alien race from another galaxy; an Invader Force, whose purpose is to establish themselves here and steal our genetics."
"Briefly, the Anima (Anima or Animae; plural of Animus) are apparently an alien, ontocyboenergetic* life form from another galaxy who are planning on coming here to Earth as an invader force; as conquerors, but also to get hold of our DNA."
"This is where BST comes into the picture. With the gain of certain knowledge, Fifteen is hoping to be able to stop the invasion by using his time-travel technology."
"This was another reason why Dr. Neruda defected. He believed that the WingMakers’ defense weapon installed on our planet would be more effective than BST; he said that all logic showed this to be true, but Fifteen strongly disagreed.
So how can the seven WingMakers sites be defensive weapons? It’s because, due to extensive RV sessions, Dr. Neruda came to the conclusions that among other things, they are DNA triggers. It is known inside the Labyrinth Group that these sites are supposedly meant to activate something in our DNA"
"the WingMakers put this defensive weapon on Earth to protect their genetics (us)."
"that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program. Blank Slate Technology is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of Blank Slate Technology can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is the freedom key."