The Fight for Women's rights in the United States -History-

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

That’s an eye opening list.

Saving this for next time someone asks me why I believe in and support feminism .

1922: Women allowed to marry a foreign citizen without losing their US citizenship. Prior to this, an American man who married a non-US national retained his US citizenship, but an American woman who married a non-US national lost her American citizenship. The law made an exception: a US woman marrying an Asian man still lost her citizenship.

1931: US women allowed to marry Asian men without losing their US citizenship.

1933: Laws against women working in bars or serving alcohol began to be challenged.

1942: Women permitted to serve in units attached to the Army (WAC) and Navy (WAVES).

1943: Women permitted to serve in the Marine Corps.

1943: Women permitted to fly in the military in non-combat roles, including as instructors, test pilots, and mapping missions.

1947: Women given the ability to hold permanent commissions in the Army and Navy.

1948: Supreme Court upholds laws that ban women from certain jobs, including bartending, and from belonging to unions.

1963: Pay discrimination on the basis of sex outlawed.

1964: Civil Rights Act finally allows women to challenge laws that bar them from certain professions or from membership in labor unions.

1964: Civil Rights Act forbids employer discrimination against women.

1965: Supreme Court decision in Griswold v. Connecticut establishes that women have a right to privacy.

1966: Weeks v. Southern Bell decision holds that women may not be denied promotion based on sex.

1967: Sex discrimination in government contracting jobs banned; women permitted to work as government contractors.

1968: Help Wanted ads that forbid women from applying for jobs simply because the employer doesn’t want to hire women are banned.

1968: Real estate owners forbidden to deny housing to people on the basis of sex.

1970: First state (California) permits both women and men to file for no-fault divorce.

1970: Policy at Newsweek and other magazines forbidding women to be reporters overturned.

1970: Employer rules that required female employees to be single and that banned married women from some occupations overturned.

1971: The last laws banning women from serving alcoholic drinks are overturned.

1971: State laws banning women from practicing law are overturned.

1971: Laws allowing employers to discriminate against women with children but not men with children are overturned.

1972: Women permitted to bring charges of rape against men without a corroborating witness.

1972: Laws permitting women to be excluded from educational opportunities available to men overturned.

1972: “Common Scold” laws against “quarrelsome and troublesome women” abolished.

1973: Military benefits such as pensions must be offered equally to men and women.

1974: Credit and lending agencies forbidden to use sex alone to discriminate against loans, mortgages, and consumer credit.

1975: First law against marital rape.

1975: Laws barring women from serving on juries are struck down.

1978: Women permitted to serve in Navy ships.

1981: Women allowed full control of marital property; laws stating that marital property is controlled solely by the husband are struck down. Prior to this, several Southern states had laws holding that joint property owned by a married couple was controlled exclusively by the husband.

1994: Challenging a person being considered for jury service and removing that juror from the jury pool solely on the basis of sex is banned.

1996: Rules forbidding women from enrolling in military academies are struck down.

2015: All combat jobs open to women in the military.

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Really amazing post