The Surprising Mystery of the Japanese Mermaid

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

A mermaid is a legendary creature found in the ocean with the upper body of a human being and the bottom of a fish's tail. They have appeared in many folklore around the world and make a very funny character in fairy tales. Many cultures around the world such as the Near East, Europe, Africa and Asia are claiming to be home to this water creature. Myth, they have a variety of magical abilities such as forecasting and causing disasters, causing ships to sink, storms and lure sailors to disaster. Many seafarers around the world have claimed to have seen mermaids.

The Surprising Mystery of the Japanese Mermaid

A mermaid is a legendary creature found in the ocean with the upper body of a human being and the bottom of a fish's tail. They have appeared in many folklore around the world and make a very funny character in fairy tales. Many cultures around the world such as the Near East, Europe, Africa and Asia are claiming to be home to this water creature. Myth, they have a variety of magical abilities such as forecasting and causing disasters, causing ships to sink, storms and lure sailors to disaster. Many seafarers around the world have claimed to have seen mermaids.
The Mermaid dock in Japan has its own ancient tradition. Not surprisingly, Japan is a country surrounded by the sea. This creature is known as ningyo (人魚), literally "human fish", and also gyojin (魚 人), meaning "human fish", and hangyo-jin, (半 魚 人) or "half-human fish." Several stories about humanoid fish circulated for centuries, but the first records were reported in 619. During the Suiko Empress regime, a mermaid was suspected of being captured and presented at his palace. It is said that this creature is kept in a tank state for visitor's entertainment.
Mermaids in general view are beautiful girl's body and fish tail with glossy scales. But the Westerner's story about this mermaid is far from the story in Japanese territory. Prior to the influx of mermaids from the west, Japanese mermaids were described as ugly and grumpy monsters. The only striking feature in his depiction is his hair. Mermaids are often depicted as having long, shiny hair.

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