amish Denomination

in history •  7 years ago 

Perhaps some will not believe that this picture is not a historical picture that has been redrawn,
It is also not a Hollywood film about a nineteenth-century story!
This picture is a true "day" of a group living in the United States called Amish.
The Amish are a religious Christian sect that split from the Church in Germany in 1840 because they believed that man should be baptized at the age of 20 when he himself decided to do so, not as an infant as the Catholics did. They were persecuted and attacked and began emigrating from their own country. Their rituals and their lives in full freedom, and indeed this was done where there are today in the United States about 300 thousand people.
And after my curiosity to learn about them, which prompted me to read in advance and to see the documents that tell them, we visited today Lancaster city, where the Amish lived and toured between them and in their fields and entered one of their homes. A unique experience I would like to share with you some of the details:
Let me start by saying that the Amish live today in 2015 just as they lived in 1850!
Amash is an agrarian, civil-religious community with strong social ties and ties that support each other, a very closed society that does not like to be in contact with others at all.
Imagine that the Amish live their lives in all its details "without electricity" !! Yes, today, electricity is haraam, and anything that has a wire connecting any house with its neighbor is a great sin because it distracts you from the attention to the ultimate goal of "contact with the Creator", not with creation as they think it is against all the technological developments that we use in our lives today. Something, no lighting (using oil or gas lamps), no cars (and they can ride horses), no land phones or cell phones (only an outside telephone booth in the center of the city, which is used by those who need it), their homes are very simple, .
The Amish community eats what is sown and dresses and makes the mother stitch in the Amish family, which averages between 8-13 people, three pieces of traditional clothing for the most of each of them to exchange for the rest of their lives.
In the community, children receive education up to the eighth grade only and learn special curricula from simple mathematicians, reading and writing in German (basic) and English. They learn the crafts they need in life from sewing and cooking to girls to carpentry, carpentry and planting for boys.
The only opportunity to mix with each other and explore the modern civil world is when the young man or girl reaches the age of 19, where they have an experience to travel by road to the city, where they experience daily civic life, ride cars and wear shops and other experiments. They decide if they want to return to their community and religion to be baptized or if they want to separate from them.
It should be noted that of every 10 young men and women who are involved in this experience, 9 return to the Amish and separated from them only 1.
When I wandered among them I felt that I was in a living and direct museum ... I wandered between the past and the present ... I wandered between two worlds today, between their simple "complex" world and our "complex" simple world ...
You see the simplest Aena?!.

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منور يا شوقي عايزين نشوفك دايما

this nice post
They are a complex and inconsistent people with the normal life of man because they are simply Jews who can not live next to other people. I hate them

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The first time I hear this community
Nice topic
With greetings from Ahmed SPA


great post

جيد واصل

very good shawki

beautiful post, good continuation
