Salute to the Airborne troops that risked it all to hold important areas behind the enemies line during the D-Day Invasion!

in history •  6 years ago 

Once in a while, I find something Exceptional; and this is one of those times! A rare sight will be seen this June, on the sixth for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landing. Thirty Eight C Forty Seven aircraft, will carry hundreds of parachutist to be dropped over Normandy to commemorate the seventy fifth anniversary of that fate filled drop!

Image from article:
C47s in flight.jpg

All the MEN that landed in Normandy that day were Heroes, and all placed themselves at great personal risk, to free others from Tyranny! The Airborne were at special risk, because they were dropped over a large area, in the middle of the strong points of the Enemy! They went in to hold critical military targets, to save their fellow soldiers.

Here is the write up on the planned drop:[War+History+Online]+Daily+Dispatches

Everyone thinks about the ships and landing craft on D-Day, but the largest air armada supported this landing. The Allies ruled the sky over western Europe. The German Aircraft were outnumbered a hundred to one, and had little or no effect on the invasion. The Allies mounted an astounding number of aircraft, and rained death from the skies!

They proved Rommel correct when he said that allied air power would stop the Germans from bringing in reinforcements, by air attacks. He was 100% right, when they tried to bring up tanks, Allied air power cut them to pieces!

This is not intended to take anything away from the Brake MEN who landed at such great personal risk, but these airdales (as they were called then) Flew to exhaustion through Flack, to protect our MEN on the ground! Combined with Naval artillery, with some of our ships moving in close enough to take damage from shore batteries, to be more accurate to clear enemy strong points.

This air-drop would be amazing to see! This many C Forty Sevens, flying in formation, has not happened in over half a century. I doubt if a single C Forty Seven has dropped a parachutist in that time either. This will be a Historical event by itself, because there is little chance that this many C Forty Sevens will ever be available to fly together again.

This is moving into the realm of legend; and this flight will reflect this. I wish I could go see this myself!


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Yeah you don't get to see squat smithlabs because you'll be buried in your own little peon world of steemit and weku.
Hey, how many of those aircraft are there anyway, you'd think there would only be a few left in flying condition so how are they going to pull this off?
Also, I thought the day of the coastal invasion it was so overcast that the landing troops had no air cover and the defensive big gun batteries of the Germans were totally untouched and able to operate like normal.

Have to take care of Debbie...she can not travel.

BUT there are still a lot of of these birds flying, they were a near perfect design! There is still ONE DC-3 flying passengers in Canada. Strangely the single biggest threat to this aircraft, is the high octane fuel she uses. It is getting harder to find, as the use drops.

But these ships are so tough, they will fly another century.

The coastal guns faced Naval guns, and did NOT do very well! Some of our Fletcher class destroyers came in quite close, at great risk to provide fire support. Some were hit, but they really dished it out!

The weather broke down days after the troops landed, but on D=Day, were OWNED the skies! The P-47 Thunderbolt was tasked with freezing all reinforcements, and she was Very good at it!

The only real damage we received was from some Terrible storms in the channel.


I'm sure my old unit will be at the event! 82nd Airborne All The Way!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

A great bunch of Guys for certain! I hope they allow the 82nd, and the 101st to have some jumpers on these C Forty Sevens!

I enjoy History, and I LOVE Both the 82nd, and the 101st Airborne!
