After Syalutsa fell to the warm ground of Cowichan near present-day Koksilah Ridge, his younger brother Stutsun next appeared from the heavens, landing between the two majestic peaks of Swuqus, also known as Mt.Prevost. There soon followed a succession of other first Cowichans who founded the present-day Cowichan Tribes. Among them were the following: Suhilton, who descended to the site marked down by the Quamichan Big House, Swuttus who was set down at Mount Newton in neighboring Saanich Peninsula; and Swutun who when he fell from the sky stood on a massive heaven sent boulder that thundered when it collided with the earth. Apparently, some have suggested that this other-wordly rock may still yet be discovered, hidden along the banks of the Chemainus River near stream's end.
When Stutsun fell from the sky he marvelled at the experiences of Syaltusa and sought to encounter the spirit world for himself. As the second sky-man began to bathe in the cool clear waters of the priveval forests, he too aquired his own spirit powers. Syalutsa's teachings on the retention of these natural powers was strictly observed by Stutsun, and as others fell from the Heavens, they too gained spirit powers in this way. As the Hul'qumi'num peoples came into being they looked to these first humans for guidance, who in turn nurtured their spiritual and physical well being. Yet, not all Cowichans chose to learn the secrets of ritual bathing or master similar spirit powers. There were very strict criteria observed before one earned the right to aquire these spiritual gifts. Only those who followed such a path earned the ability to heal the sick.
As with the rest of the world, though, there was a prevalance of both good and evil to be encountered and the sheen'um or Shamanm could heal or inflict harm on people depending on the spiritual forces with wich they associated. As the population of the Hul'qumi'num peoples grew in size, ceremonial spirit songs known as Syuwun evolved. These songs often arose during times of grief caused by the loss of loved ones. In every man and woman there exists two entities ; the dominant entity known as the stalkkwl and it's counterpart the shtutsulkwuhm. When Cowichan's bathe on a daily basis they will come in contact with the spirit power which facilitiates the shtutslkwuhm entity to overpower the stalkwl.
The first people administered these rituals in such a way as to allow the shtutslkwuhm power to manifest itself through an initiate's unique dance style and the development of a personal song by way of a vision. Those who had bathed most of their lives would have the strongest spirit and the accumulated experience to know how they were being transformed. The scucessul completion of the initiation in effect extinguishes the stalkkwl and the shtutsulkwuhm becomes a permanent presence in the shtseselwhum initiate. The Hul'qumi'num phrase qu els is used to describe the beginning of the initiation ritual in which the stalkwl entitity is symbolicially killed while awakening the shtsulewhum that would express itself in a Cowichan's distinctive song and dance. These, then were the rituals designed and passed down to future generations of Cowichans by those who fell from the sky.
Part 3...