Fascinating photos and history 💙

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

Miss Universe 1953.jpeg
Armi Kuusela first miss universe 1953.

First picture ever taken.jpg
First ever picture taken. Can you spot the first person ever photograph.
Arnorld walking in munich.jpg
Arnold Schwarzenegger walking the street in Munich.
Albert Einstein and wife meeting Indian tribe 1931.jpg
Albert Einstein and his wife meeting and Indian tribe 1931.
Mother cat stops traffic in New York 1925.jpg
Mother cat stops traffic in New York 1925
Leningrad Gas mask drill 1937.jpg
Leningrad gas mask drill 1937.
Dubai in the 1950s-1960s.jpg
Dubai in the 1950's
Testing-First-Modern-Bulletproof-Vest 1923.png
First bullet proof vest testing 1923.

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Best wishes - @splendorhub beso.jpg

@splendorhub Logo.png

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I like the first photo, women have style on it

Thank you. I totally agree...we really do!

The impact of old photos like this is really strong! Thanks for posting.

Glad you enjoyed them. There's more where that came from :)
Best wishes!