have you shown respect to the martyrs who laid down their life for mother tongue??????????????????

in history •  7 years ago 

do you know about international mother language day? i am proud of that we laid down our lives for saving our mother tongue. we have prefer our mother tongue to our lives. i thing we are night because no other people of any country's of the world could not show this braveness which we had shown 21 february in 1952.we destroyed our fear in front of pakistani army bullet. that proves our braveness.we are night........have you any doubt????????????



if read our history you can know that after freedom from british we became a part of then pakistan. but we were not free for oppressive ruling of then devil pakistani leaders. they wanted to drink our blood. but we are bangalee, that might be unknown to them. they wanted to thrown away our mother tongue. we had not seated idle. we had raised our voice to save our mother tongue. there spread a revolution all over then east pakistan , now bangladesh. on 21 february 1952, section 144 were imposed upon many city of bangladesh. we didn't obey to respect that illeagal rules. at first we started a quite revolution because we were not violent. but pakistani army fired on us. go to hell then pakistani army. you didn't know to respect mother tongue. many of our brother laid down there lives to save our mother tongue.we are knight. have you ever shown such braveness ??????????



we are happy that world recognize our revolution. as UN has declared 21 february as international mother language day in 1999. the martyrs of thst revolution always remain in our heart. they are our pioneer.we show our respect to them in a monumant called shaheed minar.

this is shaheed minar where we show our respect to the mother tongue martyrs



i hope you must show respect to that martyrs even you are a foreigner. because they have shown us how to save mother tongue. they are real night in this world.have you ever seen so brave knight any more???????????



we are bangladeshi and we are proud of..........we love to live by raising our head high in this world......................

thank you a lot for reading this post

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Not all steps for the promotion of mother language promotion will encourage not only linguistic diversity and multilingual education, but also to maintain the fullness of linguistic, cultural heritage throughout the world and express solidarity on the basis of understanding, tolerance and dialogue.Its really good day .

Pōsṭa Facinating āmāra dhāraṇā chila nā. 1952 Āmāra janmēra bachara. Ēkhana'ō āmi skulē purō galpa śēkhāra pratyāhāra nā.

Āmāra hr̥daẏa tādēra jībana nicē yē śahīda ā'uṭa yāẏa. Ēkaṭi gurutbapūrṇa tārikha, āmarā biśbēra sam'māna basabāsa yēkhānē kōna byāpāra ē'i sāhasī ātmā jan'ya ha'ōẏā ucita.

Āpanāra sanskr̥titē ē'i gurutbapūrṇa tārikhē āmāra cintā āpanāra sāthē āchē. Ē'i pōsṭaṭi samparkē ēkaṭi bārtā pāṭhānōra jan'ya āpanākē dhan'yabāda.

Āmi āśā kari āmāra anubādaka saṭhikabhābē karmarata āchēna. Yadi āmi kōna bhula kari tabē daẏā karē kṣamā karuna

Facinating Post. I had not idea. 1952 is the year of my birth. Still I do not recall learning the full story in school.

My heart goes out the the martyrs that laid down their lives. An important date , no matter where we live in the world respect should be for these brave souls.

My thoughts are with you on this important date in your culture. Thank you for sending a message about this post.

I hope my translator is worker properly. If I make an error please forgive

@r2cornell sir

This day is most memorable day in every bengli life.In 1952 some brave son of our countries have laid down their lives for his mother tongue .i feel proud of this man .Every year we celebrate this day for respect this brave son.Now this is international mother language day.

Please click here to the description

Thank you for sharing this link. We need to preserve all languages! All our differnces in culture, language, belief systems, etc make the world a better place as long as we encourage all to emrace these differences. A great day for rememberence for Bangladesh!

Thank you for your support and respect our national memorable day.@r2cornell Are you want to visit my country?

I would love to visit, if I can overcome my anxiety about flying...The photography I have seen of parts of your country is gorgeous. And the people I have interacted with have been wonderful.. For now I tour your beautiful country through Steemit.

The language is marked as a day of painful and glorious memory of the language movement of the people. The language is the most powerful way to preserve and develop culture and promote it worldwide. I salute all of martyrs.

I agree on how preserving natjve lanvuage preserves on's culture and their history! My thoughts are with the Bangladesh people today.

love you so much dear.i hope you will always show your respect to the martyrs

In bangladeshi culture is really nice and rich. you are most welcome to bangladesh.

Dialects are the most effective instruments of protecting and building up our unmistakable and immaterial legacy. All moves to advance the spread of primary languages will serve not exclusively to empower phonetic assorted variety and multilingual instruction yet in addition to create more full familiarity with semantic and social customs all through the world and to move solidarity in view of comprehension, resistance and exchange.

Well said!

everyone has a historic day that never forgotten sometimes very difficult to forget either about joy or about happy

thank you a lot for your comments. the martyrs are our proud. if you inspire me such way i can send you so much glorious history of us that can fascinate you. love to stay with you

Thank you for sharing this link. We need to preserve all languages! All our differnces in culture, language, belief systems, etc make the world a better place as long as we encourage all to emrace these differences. A great day for rememberence for Bangladesh!

ou are right sir @r2cornell:-) Its a great day for rememberence for Bangladesh. Every Bengali in the world proud of of the day.

I think , there is no culture in the world is as rich as bengali culture.

thank you a lot. there are more day to glad . i will share all of the days history.

we are proud of of the day.this glorious day for us. however @r2cornell you know about our project i love your smile.we have taken a new step.we want to help some more children to drop out from school. they are extremely need help.if you show your kindness to them the children will continue their study.we raise a fund of 10 steem today for them. @steemibu351 is the great heart to continue this job

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good writing..................thanks for your valuable post my dear friend @steemibu351:-

Wonderful post

It's a great memorable day for every people of our country.it has a great history to bengli real hero's.thanks for your sharing.

Respect A Lot's