The Story of Aceh Heroes Who Are immune Bullets

in history •  6 years ago 


Commander Aman Dimot (far right) with his compatriots. Source

In Aceh, there are a number of names that have been listed on the state sheet as national heroes.

Call Cut Nyak Dien, Malahayati, Panglima Polim, and a number of other names.

However, there are still figures from the Gayo highlands who are considered worthy of a national hero.

His courage and ability in guerrilla warfare against Dutch colonizers in the 1940s was very different from the abilities of other heroes who had fallen on the battlefield.

Why is that? Aman Dimot under the leadership of Ilyas Leube fought in a unique way, namely blocking tanks and trucks of Dutch troops.

Not only that, he is considered immune and has kanuragan science because it is not scratched when disabet sword or impenetrable impenetrable bullet.

The history of the heroic war

On July 30, 1949, around Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, Bagura and Mujahidin troops from Central Aceh lurked and waited for a convoy of tanks and 25 Dutch trucks.

The 45-strong squad used weapons and musket rifles.

Based on a number of sources, the Barisan Gurilla Rakyat (Bagura) troop led by Ilyas Leube with local guerrillas stormed the tanks and trucks blindly to make the troops marsose fog.

One of dozens of soldiers is named Abu Bakar who is dubbed with Pang or (The Brave) Safe Dimot.

In accordance with his nickname, Pang Aman Dimot was known to be brave and fearless when facing the Dutch.

In fact, the young man did not flinch despite being in a state of open war or melee war.

It was proven when the troops began to tire because of limited people, weapons, and logistics.

Moreover, when Dutch troop reinforcements further weakened the resistance of the fighters at the time, Aman Dimot insisted on staying in the fight.

The choice was retained even though Commander Ilyas Leube had ordered the troops to withdraw and leave the battlefield.

Aman Dimot, youth born Tenamak, District Linge, Central Aceh, this still refuses orders Ilyas Leube.

He chose to continue the open war with his two colleagues, namely Pang Ali Rema and Pang Edem.

After Ilyas Leube and the rest of the troops left, Aman Dimot and his two colleagues pretended to be dead around the corpses of victims of the war that had fallen apart.

When the Dutch troops were making sure the victims were dead, Aman Dimot and his friends got up and attacked the Dutch troop with a ferocity.

Many of the Dutch troops died at that time.

However, Ali Rema and Edem were killed at that time. Dimot continued to chase the Dutch troops with swords, the Dutch troops were confused because the attack from their weapons could not hurt, let alone kill Pang Aman Dimot.

However, due to fatigue, Aman Dimot finally arrested the Netherlands.

The Marsose troops were frustrated at not being able to kill Aman Dimot, finally putting a grenade into the warrior's mouth.

Not quite up there, the Dutch troops even ran the body Pang Aman Dimot with tanks.

Therefore, on July 30, 1949 the fall Aman Dimot in Rajamerahe, Sukaramai, Karo, North Sumatra.

Aman Dimot's body is buried in that place.

A few years later, his grave was excavated and his skeleton moved to Tiga Binanga.

Aman Dimot's body was then buried in the Kabanjahe Heroes Cemetery, North Sumatra.

Waiting for a hero

For the Gayo people in Aceh Tengah District, Bener Meriah, and Gayo Lues to the Alas community in Kutacane, the name Aman Dimot is fragrant because of the heroic story of his struggle.

How not, not only as a fighter in his area, Aman Dimot even struggled for the Dutch not to enter Aceh from the Karo Lane, North Sumatra.

The Central Aceh government has even proposed the name of Aman Dimot as a national hero, coupled with the names of other Acehnese heroes, such as Cut Nyak Dien, Panglima Polim, and others.

The name Safe Dimot has been presented to the Ministry of Social Affairs, but to date has not been successful.

"We have not been told what the shortcomings are: lack of administration or lack of evidence" This is what we are asking to be submitted so that if we lack evidence we can complete it, if less administration we can fulfill, "said Nasaruddin.

Nasaruddin is the Regent of Central Aceh.

He said it was after the Heroes Day memorial ceremony in Setdakab Square, Central Aceh, on Tuesday (10/11/2015) ago. "Only we have never been given the opportunity to present.

We have just submitted a proposal that is complemented by scientific research and studies.

Where we are asked to explain, maybe the atmosphere of the team will be different, "he said.

Similarly, M Y Sidang Temas, a veteran from Central Aceh, expressed the same hope that Aman Dimot was given the title of national hero.

"Speaking of Aman Dimot, I have met Social Minister Bachtiar Hamzah twice, I am responsible for submitting a paper on Safe Dimot," he said.

To the central government, the man who had joined the Indonesian Socialist Youth group (Pesindo) is expecting Social Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa to realize the national hero title to Aman Dimot.

This article is quoted from the source

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