The abandoned city, located on the territory of the former Soviet Union, have now become a favorite place for "fotoerotica" and explorers of a bygone era. Today I will talk about the seven cities, once thriving, but for various reasons have become "ghosts".
5th place - the fin.
The village of fin, located on the shore of the Bay the Bichevinka, near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The settlement had a strategic significance: if the earth was attacked by the enemy, he would take the brunt, giving respite to his larger and more important "neighbor". It was assumed that the enemy had to attack sea connections, based in the Bay - submarines of project 641, and later, nuclear submarines.
In the early 60s sea Bichevinka used as a backup area of the mobile home. The settlement was built in crichie time.
The village is made almost completely independent: there was a bomb shelter, vegetable store, a helipad, club, school, kindergarten, diesel substation. The settlement was protected by two anti-aircraft batteries. The name of the fin was invented in order to not use, for reasons of secrecy, the geographical name of the Bay (in official correspondence, the settlement was called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-54, number of the post office). For a map of the country, he, for obvious reasons, were not included.In the village there were about two thousand people.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, in the life of the Fin began irreversible changes. The garrison was reduced; in 1996 it was decided to urgently take all the property database to a new location. Heating and electricity to the village was cut off, crew transferred, and in 2000 the buildings and structures of the Fin was debited from the accounts of the Ministry of defense. Now there are only fans to see the "Ghost towns", but wander wild animals.
4th place - Kadykchan
The village at the time, was stationed one of the Kolyma camps of the Gulag.
The Russians built a settlement after the geologist Vronsky found there in 1943, at a depth of 400 meters of coal of the highest quality. In the end, Kazakchstan angle worked Arcangelisia CHP and fed with the electric power 2/3 of the Magadan region.
Nearly 6-thousand population of Kadykchan start to rapidly melt after the explosion at the mine in 1996, when the year the village had decided to close. In a few years, there has been a thawing of the only local boiler, and then to live in Kadykchan was impossible. By this time Kadykchan were about 400 people who refuse to leave, and for several years there was no infrastructure.
The award of the settlement of Kadykchan status unpromising and resettlement of its residents was announced on the basis of the law of Magadan region No. 32403 from 4.04.2003.
3rd place - Chernobyl 2.
The city Chernobyl-2 is located in the North-West of the small Polesie town of Chernobyl, but it is impossible to find on any topographical map. Exploring the map, You most likely will find signs of the boarding house for children or a dotted line of forest roads on the location of the city, but not referring to urban and technical buildings. In the Soviet Union were able to hide the secret, especially if it was a secret military.
Only with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant became aware of the existence of the Polissia forests of a small town (military garrison), which was engaged in... "space espionage."
2nd place - Kursch 2.
Working village of Kursch-2 was founded in order to develop the forests of Central Meshchera. In the 30-ies of the last century came a narrow-gauge railway from Meshchersky highway - forest after processing, transported to Ryazan and Vladimir. At that time, there were about a thousand people, which were workers from the neighbouring villages.
The history of the village is tragic: in the summer of 1938 in the Meshchera region, near the village of Charusa, there was a fire. The wind drove the fire to the Kursch. In the night from 2 to 3 August in the village arrived the train crew, who knew that the approaching fire, offered to save people - even women and children. However, the controller gave the instruction to take out the harvested wood. The logs were loaded almost to the last; from above have put people and the train moved. But during the journey through a burning bridge three kilometers from the village caught fire and the composition.
In total, according to eyewitnesses, the fire killed nearly 1,200 people - the locals who worked at the logging the prisoners the military tried to extinguish the fire. The management of the factory was accused of negligence.
After the fire, the village was restored, however, after the war it was empty: people were evicted. There remained a large mass grave. Now the "Ghost" Cours-2 refers to the territory of the Oka reserve. In 2011 there was built a memorial complex of Poklonnaya cross.
1st place - Mologa.
Mologa – the capital of the Russian Atlantis. Mologa - the Ghost town that disappeared from the face of the earth more than seven decades ago. Its ruins appear and disappear in muddy-green shallow waters of the Rybinsk reservoir.
In 1935 it was decided on the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric power station, which Mologa and semistar villages surrounded by was destined to become the bottom of the artificial sea. More than 100 thousand people living in a flood zone had to leave their homes. In 1936, people began to receive the first summons for eviction. Within 10 days they had to move away forever from their homes, taking with them all their belongings. Most of the settlers from their homes were sent to the village boat ramp, but some locked themselves in their houses and remained at the time of flooding in their shelters.
It was assumed that the village of Sleep, located 10 kilometers from Rybinsk will be a New Mologa. But, unfortunately, difficult living conditions: lack of jobs, absolutely barren land, not allowed to live and enjoy, as previously announced. A dream to make a New Mologa — the city of the future remained a dream.
Take care and appreciate your city because anything can happen and your hometown will not. And in the list of Ghost towns added another city.
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