Why Gaza?

in history •  2 months ago 

Why did God allow this to happen - let's take a look at some history to find out why this is happening.

Why would God be okay with killing?

Let's take a look at some events in history to reveal God's plan and his response when things go too far as far as free will goes.

It is not God's plan to pervert a population. That is, however, the plan of the adversary. God does not condone a perverted version of his creation, he did not cause the alteration of human DNA, but he will respond to that perversion, speaking of the second and third examples below.

The first time was when Cain killed his brother. He judged Cain and sent him away, marked, so that nobody would kill him when they saw him. He was the first murderer.

The next time was at the time of Noah. I am not sure if the people chose the perversion they underwent. It was a perversion of God's own creation. The human DNA had been perverted and had become a mix of mortal humans, who could be redeemed, and an immortal race who were unable to be redeemed if they did something wrong. Humanity had become "something else" and and no longer human. God would not stand for it, so he flooded the earth.

Search for Ferrari and their policy about modifying your car if you are lucky enough to afford one. They allow you to "own" one but you are not allowed to modify it. They are like the gods of their manufactured product. There is a prophecy about that kind of mentality - "...and they had become like gods" or something like that. Not the topic of this post.

The third example, and the one I want to highlight related to Gaza, is a time when the people were ordered to wipe out every man woman and child in a certain region. There was an echo of the times of Noah's flood that had survived, and God did not want them on the planet. Right after God had saved Israel from slavery in Egypt and dealt with those who had tested him in the desert, it was time to go get the land that El Shadai had promised to Israel. He ordered them to kill all of the inhabitants, leaving none of them alive. If there were smart phones (cameras) back then, we would a photographic record that would look like what we are seeing in Gaza today.

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Genesis 6:1-2


The reason for the carnage back then was that the people had been modified (no longer pure humans the way that God designed them) and they were propagating. When the Israelite when in to scout the land, they said there were giants there "We are like grasshoppers to them." This world was made for humans. He saw that the sons of God had left the heavenly abode. Read on.

The plan God announced way back in Genesis was that people should be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The adversary wants to pervert the humans who are made in the image of God and have their perversion multiply and fill the earth. When one third of the angels sinned and bred with human women, that is when the battle of Gaza began. Man was supposed to win the wars for their land and eliminate the half-humans. This is a battle that has been going on since that time. David had to battle Goliath and his brothers, he had a stone for each of them. They were giants and had somehow survived the flood.

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
Genesis 6:4

When Israel was taking their land, well before Jesus walked the earth, there was one place where they had not killed every man woman and child, as ordered. That place was in or around what is Gaza today. I would venture a guess that there is an element there that is not human and has been hidden under ground since the times of David and even earlier. The war there is devastating. It pains me to see it happening. But God is racist in earthly terms! He only likes the Human Race, the one he created.

Military Bases Under a City

The big problem is that the Arabs somehow got the land and protected it after the Israelites were exiled by God. They built hospitals and schools on top of their underground military bases, and who knows what else is underground with them. God is not going to bend on this theme. He will have a race of human beings inhabiting the earth that he created. The earth is made for people who are made in His image. That is the plan. If you want to blame someone, blame the adversary (in Hebrew: "blame HaSatan").

I had seen videos made, long before this war, showing small children in schools being taught to chant "kill Jews" and that kind of conditioning doesn't fade. I am not sure if it could every be undone. Conditioning of children is not the same as genetic modification, but it is almost as insidious. I have watched the negotiations in the region for a two state solution. The one biggest issue that always stops the deal from going through is the fact that the Arabs in Palestine refuse to acknowledge that Israel has the right to exist, let along live in the land of Israel.

This is the point where we have to admit that we are at an impasse. The two sides cannot get together for a deal. The tension has always been there and the attack on October seventh seems to have pushed them over the edge. This could have been over much sooner if there were not hostages. Yes, I have heard rumors that say it was all staged. That would not explain how the hostages got into Gaza and why an Al Jazera reporter had several of them in his studio. I hate that people will defend their chosen side to the death. There is no room for change or negotiation. These are my opinions and they are founded in the Torah. It has never been proven wrong and the news sources are usually proven to be wrong. I will go with the source that has never let me down.

Remember that there is always propaganda in war time, usually meant to make you choose one side or the other. I do not tune in to any source that has been caught telling lies (propaganda is always a lie or embellishment of one sort or the other.

Have there been other times when God was alright with killing?
He mandated it in some cases and allowed war in others.
Is he okay okay with killing mosquitoes that are biting us? I am not sure.
How about killing plants or cutting down trees for firewood? Likely yes.

There are lots of questions. I will answer them here if I can.

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