The name Harappa sounds similar to South Indian names such as Mallappa, Beerappa, Veerappa, etc., why?
Archaeological evidence shows that the Harappa civilization was built more than likely by the Indo-Africans, as opposed to the Aryan race. However, today, the Indo-Aricans get treated as the Outcaste, Sudra or Dalit communities, under the hegemony of the Upper Caste.
The Harappa civilization came up around 2850-2900 BC in the Indian subcontinent. Whereas the Vedic civilization is said to have come about in 1500 to 1100 BC.
According to studies, the builders of the Harappan Civilization are Dravidians who are nothing but Indianised mixed race Indo-Africans. The builders of the Vedic Civilization on the other hand are Indo-Aryans who migrated from Middle East or presend day Iran. Today, the latter group exercises their hegemony over the former.
At the moment, the South Indian state of Kerala is facing a natural disaster crisis. The power from the north has, however, prevented outside help from reaching out to the Kerala flood victims. This is interesting or bizarre given the fact that the northern states have always received outside help – for example, in the Gujarat earthquake (2001). Understandably, there's a great sense of disenchantment from the Southern folk for the muscle-flexing North.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it? Looks like we're seeing something in our times, which is nothing but a replay of the bygone ages.
Shudras, not Aryans, built the Indus Valley Civilisation