Why western countries dominates the rest in past few centuries?

in history •  8 years ago 

There are following few reasons for that.

  1. Consumerism - this creates consumer centric products by producers and they always keep on changing the test and cluster of the product with new innovations. And consumers use their money for their needs of right now not for the future. This attitude of consumerism created huge incentive for companies to innovation and competition.
  2. Science and exploration - In search of resources they traveled across oceans and found new commodities at new places which later are used in making new products.
  3. Medicines - they helped to fight deseases and increased human lives. They also helped labour force to be young and productive as compared to the time when one famine could have killed the whole generation.
  4. Capitalism and free market - private property rights and other property rights create incentive to innovate and make profits over long term. Who ever lags it become backwards economically despite having natural resources.
  5. Education - open liberal and practical education always paid off for the next generation of any society and if education is passed on to next generation in right way then it will benefit more.
  6. Fashion - Wearing whatever you want gives emotional satisfaction to the people and they can be more mentally productive.
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I think you could put some research into your article here. Its like how General Mattis always tells his listeners to read books, and learn from history. Citations are also good. Bottom line, your essay is based on assumptions.

This is not based on assumptions but on the basis of observations. Some part are from the documentary series why west dominates the rest by historian Niall ferguson of harward university. Search the series on YouTube you will find it. Which part you seems to have assumptions?