Pre-Internet memes

in history •  8 years ago  (edited)

Memes nowadays became a serious part of our everyday comunication- it seams like for each of our emotion or reaction there is a famous meme-picture. That became possible due to the Internet development. But how about pre-Internet era? Let me introduce some of them. I'll start from closest to our times, and end with earliest in history.

1. Che Guevara

Ernesto Che Guevara, the symbol of Cuban revolution. You can see this image, called "Guerrillero Heroico", on almost anything and everywhere, especially on a T-shirt of that guy that tries way too hard to be edgy or rebelious.

2. Killroy was here

This meme originates in WWII. Most likely, it was a merger of already existed image of "mr chad" and a caption, made by
James J. Kilroy. Back in those days, it was up to men like Kilroy to inspect the quality of riveting of military machinery. Most inspectors simply approved the work by marking it with a piece of chalk, but Kilroy decided to add some zest to this job by signing "Kilroy was here." Somehow, Kilroy's message became so popular that soldiers began to scribble "Kilroy's face" onto everything they passed throughout the war.

3. I Need You

Ok, this one was presented, like, everywhere, starting from WWI and Uncle Sam, ending with today's media products, say, Witcher 2 game. A simple propagandistic poster- a motherland desperately needs your help in a times of war.

4. Sator Square

This one sounds a bit non-sense(or is it?), just like "all your bases are belong to us"(also a meme!)

The roman phrase "SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS" roughly translates to "The sower is at the plow," but nobody came with a better translation - we don't know what "arepo" means. Try to read it upside down, backward or upword...See the magic?
This sign one can find throught the word (naturally, SPQR was widely spread that days)

5. Ichthys

Ichtys, or, Fish, was a symbol of early christians. Back in those days, christians were persecuted by Romans. So they decided, as a signal to their own, inscribe this symbol. But why fish? in Greek, Fish is ἰχθύε. It became an acronym for Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ - Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour

6. Fire. Wheel

I believe, the two most important, and also,the first, memes in our history are the discovery of Fire and Wheel. No need for comments - they gave a solid push for our civilization to develop :D

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The "correct" meme sentence is "All your bases ARE belong to us". It became famous because of the grammatical mistake. The japanese translator of ZERO WING made an awful job at translating this to english :).

The yellow smiley face is a pretty classic pre-internet meme I reckon. I was reading an interview with the CEO of The Smiley Company the other day. There is literally a company that owns the rights to the Smiley image and they turn over £280m a year just from the royalties/licenses. How crazy is that!? :p

maybe i will write part 2 :D i myself have remembered a couple of other memes...stay tuned :D