Do You Think Atlantis Was Real? (5 Reasons Why It Could Be Real)

in history •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you asked the so called "experts" they would laugh and say Atlantis never existed, but I think they are wrong and here is why.

First of all, scientists say stuff all the time that turns out to be wrong. Every couple of years a new discovery pushes the timeline of human history back further and further, but still, they ignore the real possibility that there is an entire part of human history that is totally ignored and we are wrong about our timeline of events.

So do you think Atlantis was real?

I do and here are a couple of reasons why we should consider it.

1. The great pyramids and all the other incredible, ancient structures in Egypt were built without any light... at least that is what scientists believe. No soot from torches have been found in any of the Egyptian chambers, so that either means they did all their work in the dark or another civilization built them with the use of a different light source.

2. Every old civilization mentions a great flood in their history, the Bible mentions the great flood and Atlantis was destroyed by the sea in a single day according to Pluto. If there was a prior civilization then it was likely destroyed at the same time of the flood stories started. It's the only timeline in history that makes sense and virtually all civilizations agree.

3. At the end of the ice age, the sea levels were lower by something like, 400 feet. When the ice age ended and the Meteor that hit in Canada around 10,000BC, there was a massive deluge of water that flowed into the oceans. The sea levels rose to around current levels. I only bring this up because there is an underwater city off the western coast of Cuba and an under water city off the northwestern coast of India that could not have been built in the last 10,000 years. If those cities were completely submerged, why couldn't Atlantis still be out there somewhere?  Oh, and the governments of those countries won't let anyone explore the sunken cities.

4. Similar architecture was used all around the world. There are pyramids in Africa, South America, North America, Europe and Asia. They all have similar design and layout. They were all built long ago and then more modern civilizations claimed them as their own to hold power over the people. It is harder to believe that all these cultures built similar structures with no communication than it is to believe they were once part of a much lager and older civilization that could travel the globe.

5. Somehow, if scientists don't understand something, they just discard it... example... Puma Punku, Gobekli Tepe are just two places that mainstream scientists can't figure out and have discarded as real evidence. I wish I could do that at my job. Hell, mainstream scientists still say the pyramids were tombs and built by slaves, yet there is no evidence to support either claim. No body has ever been found in a pyramid. 

There is no real evidence of Atlantis, but there is a lot of evidence that there were ancient civilization that we know almost nothing about. In fact, the only people talking about them on TV are "Ancient Alien" experts which don't help in legitimizing the sites either.

(all gifs from

So if there is all this evidence that there were past civilizations, I think it is more possible that Atlantis existed than claiming the it didn't exist. What do you think? Do you think Atlantis was real? Let me know in the comments below.

To my followers you are the scientific method to my discoveries. I love you all!

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Where there is smoke there is fire. I am a firm believer that a meteor strike on the arctic icecap destroyed many pre-existing civilisations through climate change, rising sea levels and the destruction that goes with that. Graham Hancock makes many valid points in his arguments but the existing scientific establishment have reputations to protect and text books to defend. The accepted historical narrative is beginning to unravel, we will see many changes in the coming decade.

I couldn't agree with you more! I feel the "accepted narrative" and the "establishment" is being eroded away for good reason across many industries. Scientific, News, Education and Political and more...
You are very right. Thank you so much for a great reply and I agree, it is going to be an interesting decade for sure.

😍😍 So happy somebody finally talked about this. I've been excited about Atlantis ever since I saw the movie on Disney when I was little. I find history and anything mythological very fascinating. I sure hope you find more cities under water, and preserve them as best as we can so we can learn more about our past. So want Atlantis to be real!

I want atlantis to be real too. I am also a huge fan of mythology and history. I love it and find it fascinating too. I wish we could explore the underwater city in Cuba, but we are not allowed. Wonder what they are hiding? lol
Thanks for the awesome reply.

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Love this topic!

It's under the sea, perhaps ice too!

You got a new follower for being an Atlantis fan like me. I agree, is is underwater or ice. Or maybe buried under a sand bar or something. I would love to know where... lol Thanks for the reply.

Dude this was my reading subject of choice a few decades back!

I recommend 'when the sky fell' and 'heavens mirror' for starters!

I'm probably more of a conventional thinker, as I'm currently studying history in University, but I wouldn't rule the prospect of the existence of Atlantis out. Though the evidence of Atlantis existing is inconclusive, that also means the evidence that it didn't exist is inconclusive, meaning, we don't know for sure.

It's also important to note, that great empires during that time frame, pre-3000 BC, weren't that large. Ancient Egypt, the greatest empire of its time, was quite small compared to what we consider great empire to be today. So the idea that Atlantis, a great empire of its time, was probably pretty small compared to what we consider to be a great empire today, so operating under that assumption, its quite feasible for an empire of that size to be completely wiped out in a cataclysmic event.

I was once studying history in university, a long time ago... Ancient Egypt was only a powerful empire because they had electric power I presume, well until Moses left. I also think the civilizations were relatively small. Scientists still can't explain how the pyramids were built. We can't even replicate it today. Ancient Egypt's population was being built back up after the flood, so it wouldn't have a large population at all. It is very interesting, although Atlantis is not proven, there is enough evidence to know there were civilizations here prior to the great flood and humanity as we know it. You got a new follower, thanks for the great reply.

Well .. .I must ponder the gifs for a jiffy and then search through all map books for a map and only then will I remember what I am researching. Guess I better rely on your results, after all they are interesting like you, the most interesting man in Steemit; since my husband still has not posted. Ok thanks for reading this I know your are busy with Atlantis information right now and this is sort of off subject or is it? Ok later :)

HAHAHA, I can't wait for your husband to join in this awesome journey. I'm trying to convince my wife, but she keeps saying no. I don't blame here right now. She runs a camp during the summer and is worn out at the end of each day. She goes to bed early, that is how I have time to steem. lol. Hop you are doing well today.

that explains some of the madness.. yes your posts are fun

The "island" of Atlantis is actually just Antarctica. Books such as Fingerprints of the Gods and the Piri Reis map give me most of the evidence that has brought me to this conclusion. The idea is that Antarctica used to be located in the same area that the southern Atlantic ocean now occupies. For various reasons all the tectonic plates moved simultaneously with movement heading in a "southbound" direction. It is absolutely fascinating stuff.