History is kind of funny... it's often nothing at all like we have been taught.

in history •  last year 


I just saw a short piece on Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII... it was an unveiling, in 2019, of a trove of letters she had written to her ex-husband just before her wedding to the man who would not be king.

There is no doubt that Wallis Simpson had decided, had discovered, that she loved her ex-husband far more than she had understood when they separated. She wanted nothing more than to go back to him... and she didn't like the obsessive and whiny Edward, feeling completely trapped into a dull and dreadful future by her impending marriage.

She wrote most of the letters in 1936 and 1937, including one that was posted from Germany on the trip during which she met and shook hands with Hitler.

In any case, I feel sure that Edward figured out, eventually, that she didn't love him and that she felt trapped into keeping up appearances. HE was mad for HER, that is certain.

But Wallis Simpson, aside from the brief flame of their initial affair, was not in love with Edward VIII... and the fairy tale romance that caused him to abdicate after only ten months was not at all what we were told.

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