Playing with Death Summoner - In depth gameplay review : Alpha Kobold Miner giveaway

in hive-100421 •  5 years ago 

My Daily sm activity 2.png

Hello Splinterland Players!

I hope you all are well and enjoying Splinterlands while staying at home.

Well, when it comes to playing Splinterlands, we all have our personal list of favourite monsters and summoners while fighting at the battlefield. Many of us like Erath decks or Life decks, some like the dragons and some are specialist with fire or death decks. Every time a new quest comes, we all pray the summoner to be our favourite one, or at least not the one which we are too weak to play. As for me, my favourite Summoner is Earth summoner, Lynna Natura and I find true peace every time I see an Earth quest on my screen!

But, like most of you, I also have a weak spot as a splinter player. That weak point is playing with Death summoner.

Lemme confess! Every time I see a death quest, I immediately click on the new quest button regardless of the outcome. I can play and win with any quest rule (including the neutral rule) but Death one. I even sold all my death cards long ago so that I can power up some other monsters and summoners. I also play with a heron account @red-dog owned by @netaterra which has very good collection of cards including death too, but I hardly play with death in there too, in spite of having max death cards and even the legendary summoner. Yeah, that much pathetic I am with the death summoner. (while writing this post, I realized that I even forgot the summoner name ;) )

So today, while I was just feeling lazy at my room and thinking of a good content idea to write a Splinterlands post, It suddenly came into my mind to write down a blog on death summoner and how to play with it.

By the way, I am going to use my heron account for the death gameplays as I don't have death cards on my own account. My heron acc does not have any promo or untamed cards so I will be using beta cards only for the gameplays. I will be using only death deck to see if I can win or lose, taking into account that the ruleset supports death monster. I will also try to examine the points that will make me win or lose.

First of all, let me show you the death deck so that you can get a clear idea. It has max beta cards but I am lacking some important promo and untamed cards. So I think it will be some tough matches against champion-level players as I am currently at Champion II, holding 4388 trophies.

Death Collection





So, as you can see, luckily I have all those 3 Beta Death summoners along with max beta monsters. Now it's time to take a leap of faith in the battleground. Let's see what can I possibly do with the Dead Squad!

  • Battle Link: Click Here

  • Opponent: @spirits4you

  • Ruleset: Armored Up (+2 armor) + Little League (4 or less mana monsters)

  • Mana count: 42

My opponent Spirits4you is a renowned splinter player. If we look at the ruleset, clearly little league rule will prohibit you from using the total 42 mana as you can use a max of 24 mana for this match.
Secondly, Armored up gives +2 armor to every friendly monster so the magic attack will be the best option to go with. But I am here to deal with my death but my opponent may use water against me. So, what can I possibly do?

The best case I thought here is to go for its tail or back. I used a combo of 2 sneak monster Elvin cutthroat and Skeleton Assasin. Both of them has 3 melee attack with 6 speed. Yeah! I am talking about a toxic ultrasonic double attack to its tail. One will probably destroy the armor and another one will go for the HP.

Next, I choose my second combo of 2 snipe archers, Centaur and Twisted Jester. Under 4 mana limit, they are my best option to attack opponents back.

To cover the front, I went for Animated Corpse and Grumpy Dwarf. The corpse will provide a defence with 9 health with void ability, which will take reduced damage from magic attacks. The dwarf will fight with 3 melee attack with 4 health and 3 armor. Yes, that little man has some guts. Just praying it will lunch some attacks before dying.

Let's see what my opponent will use against me and what is the fate of this battle.

Battle Line-up




My opponent chose Bortus, the untamed water summoner which decreases enemy monster's magic power by 1. Well, I think it's a gamble here. My opponent may be thought that I will be using water summoner or at least a few numbers of magic monsters to attack him, so he chose to power down my water supply. But, luckily I don't have a single magic monster in my lineup so his monster is useless in this battle. That's a plus point for me.

My opponent's line up follows an Electric Eel with 3 melee Blast attack at 6 speed and having 7 health, followed by Enchanted pixie, having 1 magic attack with 4 speed and 4 health also providing +1 melee to each monster with it's Inspire ability. Next, there is a level 7 Medusa carrying 2 magic attack at 3 speed with 6 health and stun ability, which has a decent chance to stun a monster for 1 round. At the fourth position, he chose a level 6 mermaid healer having 1 magic at 3 speed, 5 health with 3 abilities, triage (heals any friendly back-line monster who has taken most damage), strengthen ( give all friendly monsters +1 health) and cleanse (clears all negative effects from the friendly monster at the front). Next in line, he chose Crustacean King with 2 range attack at 1 speed, 3 health and 2 armor along with Tank heal (heals the front monster) and Protected (gives all friendly monster +2 armor) ability. This is one of my favourite card as well. At last position, he chose Elven Mystic carrying 2 magic at 4 speed and 5 health which also posses the silent ability, reducing my magic monsters again with 1. Ohh my!! Just thought what would happen if I used magic monsters in this match!

Battle Result





Well, the tides were on my side and I won this battle. You can view the battle for abetter understanding, I have given the battle link above but if you are feeling lazy, just click here!

  • As you can see, No monster died in the first round but managed to kill his Elven Mystic at 2nd round but also lost my Corpse.

  • At round 3, I killed his Electric Eel with my Dwarf, then my Dwarf also got killed by his Magic Monsters.

  • At round 4, his Medusa got down against my Centaur.

  • At round 5, my Elvin got his Crustacean King and the Pixie killed my Skeleton Assassin.

  • At sixth round, again my snipers took down his mermaid healer.

  • lastly, at 7th round they took down the pixie, the last monster of my opponent.

Clearly, it was a long match. My corpse had done a great job at the front defence position while my sneakers were doing their job. I dint use a single magic monster which was the most plus point towards me. It was really a good match and I think my fear of Death has decreased a little bit at least.

I really enjoyed writing this post and I desperately want to know all of your feelings.
  1. Do you like death monster or you are just like me? What is your favourite monster?
  2. Did you find this post useful? What rectifications do you think will make this post more attractive?
  3. What summoner Do you want me to use in my next post?

Please let me know your feelings by leaving a comment below. I am putting a little gift for the best comment on this post. I will give one alpha Kobold Miner card to the best comment according to me upon the payout of this post.

I also wanna tank to @aggroed @yabapmatt and the entire @splinterlands team for their continuous and tireless effort on this game. You guys rock!!

Haven't joined this awesome game yet?? now is the time dude! Follow the link below and get yourself in the amazing world of splinterlands. Link

All the images in this post are screenshots taken from the site below:

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Want some cashback while buying packs and cards? Visit Monster market now! It gives instant cashback on card and pack purchases. It is owned by @zaku and @reazuliqbal.

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If you like my post, please do leave a reply.

That's it for today! See you soon in my next post...



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Thanks for writing this post and it helps. You are a good player. So, I will try and write my answer.

  1. Do you like death monster or you are just like me?

Personally speaking, I do not prefer death summoner and monster as they are not so good with me and also I do not have strong guys like the pegasus, dark h'aon and so on.

  1. What is your favorite monster?

My favorite monster as of now is the Kraken although I do use the Goblin mech more often.

  1. Did you find this post useful? What rectifications do you think will make this post more attractive?

This post is useful to new players like me.

  1. What summoner Do you want me to use in my next post?

I think you should write about the life guy. I really am not at all successful with life splinter.

Do you like death monster or you are just like me? What is your favourite monster?

Truthfully speaking, I am not so good with the death guys and I dont have the powerful monsters like the pegasus and so on.

Did you find this post useful? What rectifications do you think will make this post more attractive?
I did find the tips very useful especially because I am a new player.

What summoner Do you want me to use in my next post?

Please do write about life splinter and monsters.

Thanks for writing this.