Roger that. Yeah, I saw it. Nothing there was especially over-the-top. But from HER standpoint I can see how it would be. She's gonna be under the tryanny of the "others" of her ilk to "close rank"... #Oops! ... Oh, and man, now this JustinSun wannabee-BITCH is claiming that the "hackers" are attacking the exchanges??? This is EXACTLY why my stance is to NEVER enter into any sort of complex business relationship with "The Chinese" - although this guy is Chinese AND a sociopath. They can't take responsibility for their actions and will ALWAYS demonize the "other" and then retaliate as a "pack". Just look at all the never-ending problems the US administration is having with the trade deals (#TradeWar). I know we all want to be "positive" and work towards the greater good, but "The Chinese" keep showing over and over again that it is too "high risk"... It's a real shame, because lots of opportunities are wasted because of this issue...
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