Vehicle Rental Termination

in hive-101145 •  4 years ago 

오늘 차량 렌탈이 종료된다.

꽤나 정이 많이 들었던 차이다.

나의 일상에서 함께 해준,
든든한 지원자였다.

가족과 고객 등 여러명의
이동을 책임져 주었으며,
때로는 좋은 휴식처가 되기도

3년 동안 90,757km의 이동에서
나의 삶의 일부분이 되었다.

너무 빠르게 변화하고 너무 쉽게
소유할 수 있는 현대를 살면서,

나의 중요했던 무생명체에 의미를

English version

Car rental ends today.

It's a car that's been very
attached to.

For being with me in my
daily life, he was a strong

For several people, including
family and customers, he was
responsible for mobility.
Sometimes it was a good
resting place.

It became part of my life at
90,757 kilometers of travel
for three years.

Living in the modern age of
too fast change and too easy

I give the meaning to my
important inanimate object.

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