Does anyone on here do Emotion Focussed therapy?

in hive-101145 •  4 years ago 

I know it's about getting in touch with feelings and emotions, accepting them, validating them being able to express them. I'm struggling to name them and feel them.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a humanistic approach to psychotherapy formulated in the 1980s by Susan Johnson. She developed the modality based on adult attachment theory, mainly to help healing intimate relationships.

EFT is best known as a couples intervention, and not until recently they are trying to adapt it to individuals treatment due to its success and good reputation.

Your description of the modality applies not only to EFT but to most trauma and somatic therapy approaches.

Yes, being in touch with your feelings is not something we are used to doing. It needs to be developed and uses cognition plus awareness of affect and body sensations. That helps to activate the frontal lobe which helps to regulate the emotional brain, and calms down the nervous system, and gives mental space to process.

Practice, practice, practice, and little by little you will be able to recognize the activity in your body. Also, having a list of emotions helps to develop at least some emotional intelligence and the cognitive capacity to differentiate one from another. There are several lists online.

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