in hive-101145 •  3 years ago 


In a vast meadow, after eating with gusto, a deer felt thirsty. He then looked for water sources around there. Before long, he found a small lake whose water was very clear. Unable to stand thirst, he immediately drank the water there to his heart's content. After being satisfied drinking the water, the deer then wanted to walk away.

However, something caught his attention. In the very clear water, he saw his reflection. His strong and beautiful antlers made the deer see how strong he was. His horns were then moved to make sure that the shadow in the water was him. He then muttered, “How beautiful my horns are. I just realized, besides being strong and I can use it to defend myself, this horn is very beautiful and charming."

He continued to admire the horns on top of his head. From the head, he watched the rest of the body. Until, when he saw his feet, the deer looked disappointed. “My legs are long, but small and thin. Really not comparable to the beauty of my horns. Why are my legs ugly like this?” he complained.

Without realizing it, since in the lake, a lion apparently was stalking the deer. While hiding behind the bushes watching potential prey, the lion was about to take steps to run after the deer. Luckily, when he was about to come out of hiding to eat his prey, many birds around the bush were flying wildly.

Hearing the sound of birds flying, the deer was surprised and realized that danger was threatening. So, he ran as fast as he could. With his thin and thin yet strong legs, he ran and kept running. Meanwhile, the lion was still chasing him with all his might.

Apparently, with its small and slender legs, the deer can move swiftly. He also managed to run away from the lion and into the dense forest to hide


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Survived from distress, the deer was beyond happy. This time, he muttered again. However, no longer admire the beauty of the horns. The deer this time admired the strength of his legs. “Apparently, although the shape is not beautiful, but you are very strong. Thus, the lion did not manage to eat me. Even though you are small and look thin, you have supported my body so strongly that I can run very fast. Thank you, my feet…”

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Dear Readers,

Remember, all created by the Almighty must have their own benefits and meanings. Therefore, do not let us be down by a situation that is all lacking, all minimal, all uncomfortable. Because, perhaps, there is hidden extraordinary potential.

Like when we face failure, indeed, we may be ashamed to tell it. When we are not successful at one thing, we will desperately try to cover it up. When we experience bad things, we are afraid to tell because it will be considered embarrassing. In fact, if we want to look at it from the positive side, all events that we consider negative will give many different nuances. When we fail, we can learn not to repeat the same thing. When we are less successful in one area, we can evaluate to find out what we can improve on more. When bad things happen, maybe it's time for us to take a break to take the best steps to achieve our dreams.

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