Making money by trading cryptocurrencies are not as easy as mostly users think, sometimes your portfolio is up by 100% and sometimes it's down 200%, I personally think more users lose money while trading cryptocurrencies and only few are able to cash out profits
I am going to share some besic reasons why most users lose money while trading cryptocurrencies I think number one reason is a wish to become rich within hours and days, many users still think cryptocurrency are get quick rich scheme due to lack of experience and information and they try to take every risky step to become overweight millionaire that's why they use leavearg trading invested in newly lounched cryptocurrency coins and tokens
In a recent example of Aptos APT dua to the hype around Aptos APT on social media many users think it's price will go up when all major exchanges will list APT and starts trading so they become a part of this Fomo
If you check the historical data and price graphs of Aptos APT on binance in first three seconds of listing its price goes up from $1 to $100 then goes down to $7 to $9 within few minutes and it's trading between 7 to 9 from last two days mean if someone try to catch it in first few seconds of listing at market price he probably buy it at $50, $60 or more and now he loss a lot of money
That's why I think we should not become gready and take to much risk to make quick money
Like any other instrument making money while trading cryptocurrencies also requires proper preparation and information to make better investment decisions it also takes time to get good returns on investment so don't lose your hard earned money in futures trading or investing in pump and dump scheme
Do your own research before making any investment decisions and then wait for a good time to cash out profits
Thanks for reading