It’s a question that keeps on coming back to me on the daily — ‘when this is all over’ (at least in the shorter term) what do i want to do differently?
I certainly don’t want to go back to the same old same old as before. I definitely want to keep stepping through with the remote working toolset I’ve been using for the past five years but i want it to work better for me so i can adapt quicker next time to real world events.
I know that crypto is still very much a part of that life because of the level of freedom that brings but also investing in the group mind of another persons progress in the shaping of digital tools is also the future tools you might use on your own tool belt.
Why not have shares or value within/around those communities, Web 2.0 never gave us that, just took our data and sold it to the highest bidder in the hope of flipping that data into a reference point for us to be sold to or at least spammed too — it’s all just a numbers game after all.
Photo by JD Designs on Unsplash
I mentioned it to my post to my other half this morning that I actually want to do something more with ‘food’ after this lockdown is lifted. I don’t want to have to rely on any systems to provide me what we assumed was the basics. I want to have governance over my food creation and consumption.
Prepping might be a step in the future but for me to go that hardcore into it I’d have to have something bigger than our little family to do it for.
Sure it’s great to sustain yourself and your family but when that runs out what then? I guess I’m seeking a more mesh like experience with real world physical nodes and a more grassroots existence where we don’t rely on the technology so much and it becomes a nice to have not the everything.
I guess that’s why i like blockchain so much, the notion of this self healing network of nodes that keep the data flowing, like distributing of whatever value is contained within it.
I’ve started to see some additional chains that do functions that are sadly missing from the ones that i use atm and I’ll be sure to investigate them in the coming months - one of those is streamr and that’s because someone i know is working with them.
As the numbers stack for unemployment and economies and industries fail there will be a surge in demand in other areas, i truly believe that people will start to redefine what a life is to them again —- outside of screens and media.
That’s not to say they won’t get used less but i think the usage of the platforms for good will change. Maybe they will start to actually be useful places to exchange, trade, barter and connect with us without barriers finally.
We might start to se the AI virtual version of us start to appear on the web, one that works around the clock for us taking what we feed into it and augmented that against different value economies — like a time stock broker for us while we sleep. Our creations become our in-time assets.
I’ve already started to watch companies rapidly change, people who love to be in business, can’t function without that day to day hustle — who love to be in transition, making and baking and serving the general public.
I think autonomous delivery is on the edge of exploding too, with nobody on the streets those little robots are really proving their worth and they are managing to solve I’m sure many issue during these quiet times.
Shame that local authorities don’t see these times as productive times too. Instead of talking about how things are going to collapse maybe they should be firming up partnerships and digging up the roads to lay super fast fibre to be a connected nation instead.
All i know for sure right now is that whatever I’m doing i need to 10x it. I need a digital version of me that can work when i sleep, that can prep my day ahead for me, to find a pomodero method for my daily life that fits better than every before without distraction.
I don’t want my pre-isolation life back, the one where you wait to see how things turn out. I’d rather have one of experimentation and failure, over and over until something sticks that feels good, right, enjoyable rather than the mundane of expecting something to break open and show the man behind the curtain pulling the levers.
Escaping your own mind, your own behaviours, programming and expectation, the way we limit ourselves based on previous experience — we gotta wipe that slate clean.
Just take stock and inventory in this lockdown at what is not serving you in this pandemic and remove it, scrap it, throw it out, exchange it, remix it. It’s probably holding you back from making your next steps.
Two hundred thousand people won’t get to do that after this pandemic, remember that, store that deep inside of you. You made it, you got through, with your life.
If this is not the life you wanted or expected then you have strength in knowing that you can adapt and augment it until something that does.
All it takes is for you to show up leaving that baggage behind of what was not serving you that kept your wheels spinning and your mind processing cycles of data that had no useful outcome.
Adapt to survive, adapt to thrive.
__humble x