RE: My first post for Community: Fascinating Insects

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My first post for Community: Fascinating Insects

in hive-101587 •  5 years ago 

Wow, great photos! What kind of Cockroach is that?

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Thanks :) I am pretty sure it is the American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana). This is actually the only species of cockroach I have seen so far in both Europe and all Americas...

Alright thank you!
I will see some more this week. In a package. Because I ordered some :P
Gromphadorhina portentosa and Shelfordella lateralis ^^
Totally looking forward to keeping these fascinating insects!

Wow, you really keep cockroaches?! :D That sounds like my girlfriend´s nightmare :D We have spent a couple of years in various tropical and subtropical destinations and cockroaches have been quite an issue for us in most of them :D Even I, a dedicated nature lover, must admit I don´t like them much :D :(

I mainly keep ants, and since they need proteins... So besides being a pet, the cockroaches serve a second purpose :|
At least the Shelfordella lateralis, they're popular feeding insects^^

Gromphadorhina portentosa are pretty big, slow moving, can't fly, and make weird sounds sometimes. Not the typical cockroach.
It's just like with any other pet that isn't a cat or a dog - it sounds kinda weird until you see the animal being a pet "in action" :P

It's just like with any other pet that isn't a cat or a dog - it sounds kinda weird until you see the animal being a pet "in action".

Haha I know exactly what you mean ;) I have had many unusual pets too, from giant prickly sticks to various crustaceans but I found all of them fascinating even before I had them. Unlike, well, the roaches :D I guess I have just had too many unpleasant encounters with them on my travels :D

Makes sense... here in germany they aren't found very often, I only occasionally stumble upon single Ectobius vittiventris in the woods, they're just small and beautiful :)
So: No unpleasant encounters for me :P