More than doing good for the body and mind, sport is one of the main tools that helps children and teenagers to have a new vision and perspective of the future and opportunities.
Would you like to know more about this way of transforming the lives of young people? Find out more on this post!

Social inclusion: what is it and its importance?
Social inclusion has the main objective of democratization, that is, to achieve the same rights and opportunities for all people, to fight prejudices and to open new paths. It is a set of means and actions that allows the participation of a society in an equal way, regardless of social or physical condition, sexual orientation, ethnicity, education, or any other aspect that separates or labels beings.
Social inclusion also involves meeting the needs of people who, for some reason, live on the margins of society. Thus, it inserts this population in a context of life again, focusing on guaranteeing basic rights such as education, employment, health, culture, among others.
Sport as social inclusion: why it is so used?
One of the most effective ways to achieve all of this is through sport, especially when it comes to children and adolescents who live in low-income regions with little chance of personal growth. Sport as a social inclusion rescues these young people, giving them the opportunity to practice an activity that will occupy their day, while doing good for the body and mind.
In general, organizations that work with this purpose link participation to school attendance. As a result, education and learning are also prioritized and receive due importance and attention. In addition, young people who participate in actions like these have an excellent opportunity in their hands to become professionals and, thus, gain an important source of income for them and their families in the future.

Other advantages
By using sport as an inclusion tool, differences between people are minimized, putting everyone on the same level. The sense of coexistence, respect and discipline is worked on, ensuring that these children and adolescents become better adults for them, for families, for society and for their countries.
For all these reasons, institutes and organizations that aim to use sport as the main means of changing the reality of these young people are increasingly emerging, bringing new opportunities. For this, the most different activities are practiced, such as swimming, football, gymnastics, among several other modalities.
Sport as a social inclusion deserves to continue as a way to help the society that needs it most and we all can contribute to it.
Picture credits: The pictures used in this publication can be found on these sites: Israel 21c, The Commonwealth.
Follow the Light and much Love,