Harga SPORTS Terjun Bebas, Kenapa?

in hive-101690 •  5 years ago 

Saya melihat harga token SPORTS terjun bebas akhir-akhir ini. Harganya jatuh hingga ke angga 0,00004 Steem. Paling rendah dalam sejarah. Apa kira-kira yang menyebabkan harganya jatuh sedemikian dalam?


Menurut analisis saya, ada beberapa faktor penting sebagai penyebabnya.

  1. Banyak penjual daripada pembeli. Yaitu, pengguna Sportstalksocial menjual token SPORTS sebanyak-banyaknya ke pasar, sehingga harganya semakin turun. Mereka tidak meng-hodl token tersebut.

  2. Tidak banyak user yang melakukan staking. Selain tidak meng-hodl, user juga tidak banyak melakukan staking. Sehingga banyak sekali SPORTS yang beredar di market.

  3. Sistem pembagian reward. Harusnya reward dibagi dua, 50% staking otomatis menjadi SPORTS Power dan 50% liquid, sehingga token yang beredar tidak banjir.

Demikian pendapat saya faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan harga SPORTS terjun bebas. Menurut Anda, harga rendah ini sebagai peluang atau ancaman?

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The Steem blockchain is currently being attacked by a central authority in order to take control of the witnesses. If you are not managing your witness votes, please consider setting @berniesanders as your witness voting proxy by clicking here to help restore the decentralization of Steem.

The main problem is because of all the events that are happening in the STEEM blockchain, the first problem is that the future of STEEM is still unknown because of the bad purchase of Justin Sun when I bought the company of STEEM INC, and the recent problem of centralization that JUSTIN SUN wants to implement to the STEEM chain, the good thing that the community has fixed this problem, putting 5 of the 20 whales that had been relegated from their position, thus we managed to maintain decentralization in STEEM, solved these problems , the tribes market will be prosperous again, including SPORTALKSOCIAL.

The important thing that after solving those problems, the best thing would be to implement new improvements in the tribe, to make somehow 50% of what you earn in a publication, go to your voting power, so we avoid having such mass sales.

And the most important thing is to see how we do to burn more SPORTS coins, there are many in the market and we must find a solution to eliminate the large amount of them or at least a good part.

Sports price dropped to 0.00003 Steem. I got some. I know that. I do not know if there is an opportunity or this threat. But the amount of sports burned is so little that sports are constantly produced.

Too many sports are produced. I think this is the biggest factor in price drop. Also, people who stake sports are the same people. So new people did not join the community. Less buyers and more sellers cause the sports price to decrease constantly.

The sports community has to do something.