After reviewing the information you provided, I noticed that there were two posts on one day, which resulted in the reward for November 23rd being missed.
UPVU performs upvoting once a day based on Korean Standard Time (UTC +9).
For example (based on UTC +9), if you post between 00:00 and 23:59 on November 1st, it will be upvoted. Similarly, if you post between 00:00 and 23:59 on November 2nd, the upvoting for that day will be applied.
Upon examining your posts, I found:
11월 21일 23시 26분 : রাতের বেলায় জাতীয় সংসদ ভবনের সামনে ।।
11월 22일 23시 10분 : নয়ন তারা ফুলের রাতের কিছু ফটোগ্রাফি।।
11월 24일 00시 01분 : টক-ঝাল মিষ্টিতে মুখ রুচিকর খাবার হলো আচার।। প্রথম পর্ব ।।
11월 24일 21시 06분 : টক-ঝাল মিষ্টিতে মুখ রুচিকর খাবার হলো আচার।। দ্বিতীয় পর্ব ।।
11월 25일 14시 02분 : টক-ঝাল মিষ্টিতে মুখ রুচিকর খাবার হলো আচার।। তৃতীয় ও শেষ পর্ব।।
I hope this helps you better understand the UPVU system.
Thank you for using UPVU.