Hi everyone!
This is our monthly for the March 2025 witness report in which we will cover the up to date witness progress and activities reports.
Genaral Information
STEEM Witness Name : steemgoon.witnez
Witness ID : 14,985
Created (UTC) : 2022-11-09 20:50:51
Been running for : 846 Days
Running Version : 0.23.1
Rank & Earning Information
Rank : 61
Block Produce : 3114
Last Confirm Block : 93417320
So far, we have been running for 846 days up until now and we stand at 61 witness rank, we have been produce block on the STEEM blockchain total of 3114 blocks and still continue ..., those SP earning on this account will use for upvote the witness project related and user who support us, thank you all.
Thank you so much to whom vote for us
Up until now, we have total of 925 supporters.
- steemgoon.cur
- steemgoon
- steemgoon.witnez
- sairung
- himoning
- ninjacyber
- sct.curate
- fi2eedom
- rull14958
- legendaryfairy
- jusminrose
- jannatmou
- vavanellope
- rmu01
- rankmeupclub
- pedrobrito2004
- squirrel-girl
- steemhunterz
- dalyaok
- dw-a5fsl5f9deas
- cryptostats
- dw-ah5li5f9cd3l
- koolguy159
- icetea
- pokjiyut
- teukuipul87
- naturebeauty
- sometacos
- rmu.proxy
- goonz
- samleo999
- ae-cha
- choon-hee
- chul-moo
- chung-ae
- chung-cha
- chung-ho
- corruptbooming
- bo-bae
- bon-hwa-2
- dak-ho
- dong-sun
- dong-yul
- margesimpson
- bart-simpson
- lisasimpson
- uh-young
- myong-chon
- chang-bae
- dearsinger
- artistmust
- languidcocket
- clerkquiet
- scullingintent
- gloomybarberry
- charmingepee
- chipswitch
- bridgewild
- hilariousreceive
- dateride
- manojjagtapa
- wrathfulsow
- merelyhurdle
- dandelionlilac
- bricknancy
- broilcorny
- equateforceful
- messengerbuy
- strictgrapefruit
- intenthum
- pantsuitroband
- possiblemeek
- craniumbeen
- saintbarrel
- glowstonenearly
- handsomelywhom
- ourselveshills
- budweisermute
- hootsnowman
- electionbinding
- pranceryearning
- sodasweatsuit
- divulgevault
- tabernacletacit
- seamstressfruit
- deelis
- hyon-yeon
- eo-shi
- ra-tae
- abdul-mo
- dw-a6ove637763v
- ryu-in-young
- dw-a16gu637775g
- valdasamba
- adoringstriped
- steem-holder
- tempertantric
- havok777
- earnxtreme
- abdullah1143
- pixelfan
- stronglylog
- essexstomach
- teenremove
- nunweyr
- killerabiding
- amuckbaby
- rolalei
- goneamused
- beefnoodles
- chinalong
- bustlinglava
- liliya666
- victoria.web3
- bdcleancommunity
- lsanaa
- leonidastouch
- chorock
- rose98734
- aenor
- candy49
- teatree
- kamilla19
- ldsklee
- precisepastry
- sunrisefink
- hideconsume
- paintballcabin
- chilliunruly
- panretire
- greencmetaha
- ulimit
- malkeetsingh
- galas
- lyng
- wuyeyoumin
- steemgoon.trail
- dwarrilow2002
- meins0815
- darthnava
- grow2gether
- omp
- dw-a0nh263933eh
- dw-amtka639344k
- dw-a20dq639342d
- bonp
- bgteam
- shohana1
- hive-173434
- esthersanchez
- myvicky
- sergey44
- hive-129723
- servelle
- purplecup
- suanky
- fredkese
- lapomme
- labanane
- btcreporter
- lechatblanc
- crypto.fantasy
- lechien
- lelephant
- lepoisson
- disparu
- salutlami
- ligloo
- udabeu
- lanzjoseg
- topfivefamily
- aotearoa
- tinochka2
- hive-192096
- user.duniamu
- the-can
- andepa2790
- bak.droe.lah
- balcon07
- current.fast
- hiumako
- malacca.strait
- raja-abeuk
- stakeholders
- hinokaruhanagata
- tekraze
- donatello
- danceandmusic
- lageleebancale
- lecerf-volant
- lasucette
- lamomie
- lanounou
- siipank
- ohnon
- groscaca
- silencieux
- nancybriti
- steemundo
- fastcash
- nasoe
- evilsided
- mrs-delegation
- funtraveller
- bmeda
- dobrica
- maski
- prcko
- tihi
- may2015
- zolena
- kdramatarotgirl
- strawberrry
- iyanpol12
- bitfeed
- qazaq
- alena-deryabina
- immortal8000
- iotman
- yarrik
- red-bird
- shibanoid
- lazy-koala
- crypto-raccoon
- rookang
- rpr
- deming
- minjon
- alekan
- shando
- bansok
- remdaon
- motez
- yanmin
- sgo.fund
- shenming
- ruthsany
- vernet
- strong56
- rosselena
- sozialbank
- vidaymusica420
- beardmen
- luciannagy
- jjprac
- ggagu
- sportwetten
- bigbear34
- smallcub50
- lelapinblanc
- laserpent
- lethomas
- enhaut
- lacamionnette
- radiographie
- cwoong
- logmen
- imaran
- chinchilla
- mornevd
- shravana
- raghav0212
- cektop
- offgridlife
- alexwo
- rey01v
- tiongson
- stimialiti
- atempt
- jiva34
- bitandi
- hideboy
- bdweb
- noticiastech
- cooltext
- nofamilan
- fractal-bank
- nerengot
- nergaming
- noyon696
- alyssasanders
- oweb
- ladyfan
- francelis
- lookups
- desireth
- huanan
- liali
- newby
- emmawalt
- sushiroll
- spistem
- pixelpenguin
- ratg
- joslud
- leos11
- whileponderin
- honshu
- reymax
- pintudragora
- dw-ao90663e25b0
- catharsis
- jsss0
- hhhh.witness
- jufry.steem
- daybook
- steemgoon.sct
- fozzy
- alexandra-t
- flodareltih
- miguel-porreiro
- apoloo1
- artimina
- alex.dao
- garnacho
- kenwilboy
- derzai
- btctop1
- jackzeng6666
- votebetting
- rezvan
- bokkusirdi
- wongbraling
- boddhisattva
- solox
- rollercoin
- alicia5
- hive-154708
- dordoy
- lilienthal
- bru.witness
- bru.steem
- riovanes
- takeru255
- culebro
- mascarado
- tamborim
- lindon
- blobpat
- declarator
- deepdiver
- scarabey
- savantron
- blubber
- krank
- ravercrab
- afterparty
- antiphaze
- chunxi
- cornpopper
- elmonstro
- elvenmagic
- dancingqueen
- splittie
- lifebuoy
- jellier
- happyeaster
- entminer
- etherilliant
- divingmask
- dundi7
- gatito5
- luna9
- vasc0
- jeffbradt
- dknkyz
- janyasai
- earthbind
- careassaktart
- windwalk
- minerzaurus
- bluengel
- georgia11
- rollerarc
- discoroll
- thranax
- dragonpride
- eviltopus
- r2cornell
- scilwa
- dsc-r2cornell
- dw-aen3k63f8133
- dw-a5rka63f809k
- dw-aruvp63f80ev
- helltaurus
- fajar.perangin79
- vinylla
- wekin
- darth-azrael
- darth-cryptic
- mamun123456
- minellite
- wangpigon
- overgrown
- archerart
- rolleron
- lilzmom902
- shrumee
- ien
- cryptocheta
- snowster
- emarket
- tronenergy
- pixiu
- ajay27
- moecki
- oceanpirates
- mineiro
- juanrebolledo17
- radiogaga
- flowerxlover
- game.master
- grinblue
- bityobit
- afterbun
- starground
- steamwheedle
- subminerine
- tapeboy
- leyak
- crypto.prices
- rikaz87
- borgheseglass
- shadflyfilms
- umigame
- flooff
- darsico
- jellybones
- soulsdetour
- lavabox
- sekar.wangi
- jarvis99
- vyzzarys
- watersoaker
- wishingbell
- azuredragon
- aril.hatake
- yellowemperor
- cryptoladz
- uniminer
- sky2021
- minercracker
- muntaha19972402
- airmattress
- minerversary
- leprecoin
- lawrence123456
- coin-doubler
- sesil
- dragonroller
- belki
- demolisher
- legacyhasher
- millymini
- pearlcoin
- gemamedina
- adzrobinson
- princesslayla
- ilonma
- vickyspartan
- opera.shoujo
- mtl1979
- aiplusfinance
- sawcraz.art
- antorv
- deadlyvesy
- dennitsa
- stefannikolov
- stnikolov
- sahmie
- georgemales
- benoitblanc
- yeonudooo
- patudoh
- nazriady
- shahriar33
- heinii
- dwimasa007
- morgan-p
- dhaka.witness
- aneukumi
- nexcis
- aridhaauliya
- juliana-my
- ari03
- naturalworld02
- sitijamilah
- nisakarnain
- kadoshart
- bothok
- bagelphysicist
- mandarin2016
- yosab
- sampan
- eagle02
- brwhale
- steem-d-anlovnit
- peeterx
- greyhatter
- el-ramul
- jeong851212
- retrodroid
- luminaryhmo
- yoedie
- akareen
- sniem5180
- jorgevandeperre
- jamalgayoni
- light-hearted
- i6635
- snipercrypto
- tarazona14
- theron11
- happycoachmate
- danialaziz
- nityabusiness100
- gopiselvan
- mukumar7365
- sutakamusuvelan
- buwan444
- kannanmaya
- lovemice88
- thendral1107
- suoerpman56738
- vicky456
- peasuwarl2837
- ganesh245866
- ganesh444
- manish9314
- selva2560
- rosssseeee4gg
- girinanddan
- usundarehhd526
- mariappan
- kanmuressbu6262
- kabuwafg367
- ganeshraja236
- shangren
- akm4r
- sivas4
- carmenyuv
- yeyakang
- achilleo
- dareal-blackice
- assidiq
- muhammadfiras
- sedative
- bahora
- tecnoticias
- spelling
- info-sbor
- rdp89
- josegonzalito
- khwilla
- lowlylutfur
- meatspoon
- udibekwe
- afriart
- mukada
- helios.publisher
- helios.voter
- kitsunefyre
- memess
- shetoo
- ktoeto
- gertu
- afanasich
- riciardo
- yondo
- jessfrendcor
- thepavsalford
- bdbot
- tetibo
- avtoledy
- utso
- shorker0
- yabdullah
- vorob
- ufx
- jasa107
- fucho80
- lorenaarias
- kwi
- sumon247
- hmayak
- coininstant
- rada11219
- botbd
- dartwader
- mh4778
- nushrat
- kindu
- badmintonpro
- kjaeger
- aist
- marmeladze
- evolved-ape09
- jozzie90
- abuarkan
- zorgen
- zagon
- nazmulhudaa
- droida
- villagemain
- golvenman
- vacteriaa
- jurious
- zaznoba
- bettymikki
- floydd
- freepic
- dorian-mobileapp
- hamzii2122
- shize
- dirtythirty
- free.hooligan
- phasewalker
- steemit.fund
- sridhara
- polkan
- bad-cat
- dvl
- avtobus
- sanjeev021
- kazisayed79
- hongjh123
- playdice
- incubot
- braaiboy
- egbe-agbor
- besticofinder
- riffu
- princa
- deeptideepu
- shiny224
- stikg
- juanda95
- hdmed
- jovita30
- lorong-waktu
- maay21
- youdzhi
- kolhida
- travoved
- fadthalib
- ochigava
- sinoku
- steemhelp3r
- hahi
- hashsteemin
- goshy
- newekemini5
- twishi
- malcomdap
- dkhwon
- rockb2k
- jahangeerkhanday
- druzl
- zulay7059
- kandanmurugan15
- subramanimur638
- ganeshuppahgffye
- essakiammal369
- essakiammal
- crafter
- klub700
- bahrol
- adrianhadjii
- abu.bakkar
- dsyfdr
- shinloo
- levrek
- jahanumar
- sohanurrahman
- tayyaba1997
- shebang
- cqf
- yokku
- sosita
- prosperamente
- annydee01
- kimche
- meheruntinni
- btcstmtrckr
- mymusicfavs
- zayac
- lightcaptured
- aishamoni
- qushira
- safdarali
- jannie98
- yaladeeds
- acash
- kozak
- annizq
- jeongpd
- mamedoff
- mackar
- u-vote
- nasution
- catafraiddark
- azazqwe
- sisol
- genesi
- mustafarazi
- ikbal212
- saiful555
- mancung
- guyue
- bahgia01
- muhammadsyauqi
- naska
- ambisiousmind
- streetshots
- yendi1
- rolick
- rahmadani00
- yusri501
- naya6
- mubarak
- leejia
- rajithpriyasad
- mildreds.garden
- jamal14
- ummah
- sappola
- herisaputra
- yousafzai11
- d3an
- qaras
- zalu
- manuer1
- nityabusiness1
- kislo
- youngwild
- akbarcotu
- tgkraja
- palang
- skuff
- irsafe
- p2c
- transg
- ahmeddimassi
- ronnie10
- kenalofficial
- frqan24
- syarkawi01
- alexanderpeace
- ahmneska
- zulb1043
- mdominicorobin
- chibuzorwisdom
- philhughes
- irw
- broz
- travelnepal
- steemchiller
- babynaa19920
- hive-144153
- luakil649
- tardislover
- blessedlife
- maikuraki
- ehmii1059
- simonjay
- yurilaya
- loketme
- sofialanz
- misterdelegasi
- visionaer3003
- aiexama
- topleine
- lazarduz
- spidwers
- shimbaud
- ramarlio
- cekjia
- eartrhy
- goretzy
- usulafn
- utckaren
- sacraneta
- picankis
- cokelbat
- sinftron
- o2kael
- orierzak
- jiakpot
- edgakeret
- cryptoxenia3
- zulbahri
- escobar12
- awarpleswish
- alexvan
- rimion
- japansteemit
- steem4curator
- crokk
- ali126
- nasdaqinsights
- mama21
- sabbirakib
- zoniacb
- steemquote
- heddaa
- pizzaboy77
- reas63
- srsrahman
- yuswadinisam
- berx
- dimas.sptr
- qixuan
- ignacio81
- sunny-boy
- rendi77
- mei-yin
- zlak
- jenxi
- meowwisely
- truecrime
- radjasalman
- heriadi
- shlak
- httr4life
- boss-indo
- skal
- bitacademyweb
- freeseek
- ahmad84
- eraz
- esthergee42
- kosya
- lunaz
- rokid
- horz
- aftabwanker
- earnxtreme.bank
- hive-167140
- steem-wins
- daniel90515
- steem-funds
- steem-drops
- sploans
- sp-loans
- steem.loans
- steem-loans
- steem-holdings
- steem-slots
- powerhub
- sp-bank
- xtreme-bot
- xtreme-upvoter
- savers-bot
- upvote-returns
- blackandlight
- johnion
- curwins
- curup
- curblast
- curbooster
- notaspammer
- hive-178351
- hive-194513
- yagus
- yescoin
- gazzarin
- labaz
- fizx
- pawdaddy
- ai16z
- gruuff
- grafun
- joxo
- xatta
- theelitone
- hoseigna
- carlosprego
- hive-162214
- lasos
- hacola
- moyewe
- xafad
- dejemi
- veveb
- kazzablanc
- dazhub
- kellzee
- fedeki
- desito
- dapawat
- agor
- votov
- mrcrisp
- salsasea
- copagex
- soway
- andytherbg
- merif
- donnaroza
- berglow
- cerew
- toty
- doyocha
- wimpi
- nanes
- fexo
- torrs
- bocen
- far.away
- jixak
- shenali
- hajun
- shtorm
- wise.words
- leigth
- boded77
- corazondeleon8
- peterpa
- truste
- oliveri
- lidako
- xil
- talkit
- tip7
- ghali63
Thanks in advance who help us, we can achieve it together.

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