In the video game industry, few people known as synonymous with franchises, such as Ken Levine, Shigeru Miyamoto and Masahiro Sakurai, have managed to mark it with their works. On the list is Hideo Kojima, a creative who has achieved great popularity thanks to work done mainly in Metal Gear. It is always interesting to know more about the design philosophy of these people and, if you consider yourself a follower of Hideo Kojima's work and would like to know more about his creativity, then you will be interested to know that you will be able to know more about him thanks to a book that finally it will come to the West.
The main creative responsible for the creation of Metal Gear and the man whose body is 70% made of movies, Hideo Kojima, in 2019 released a book in 2019 titled The Gifted Gene and my Lovable Memes. This work is a collection of essays written directly by the developer around a variety of topics, such as music, books, and movies that Kojima likes.
Unfortunately for Western fans, they were unable to read the book because it is only available in Japanese. But there is good news, since the company VIZ Media will be in charge of the localization of the book for the West, so you can find it translated into English with a longer name: The Creative Gene: How Books, Movies, and Music Inspired The Creator of Death Stranding and Metal Gear Solid.
As the title of the work shows, the material will offer details about what has inspired Hideo Kojima to create the franchises for which he is recognized together with his studio Kojima Productions.
Since he was a child, the creator of Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima, was a voracious consumer of movies, music and books. They ignited his passion for storytelling and storytelling, and the result can be seen in his revolutionary and iconic video games. Today as the head of independent studio Kojima Productions, Kojima's enthusiasm for the medium of entertainment has not waned. This collection of essays explores some of the inspirations behind one of the gaming industry's titans and offers an exclusive look at one of the brightest minds in pop culture.
The Creative Gene: How Books, Movies, and Music Inspired The Creator of Death Stranding and Metal Gear Solid will be available from October 12 of this year
For those who have not heard of this work, the book includes essays written by Kojima that allow to know his inspirations and works more in depth.