Todays Smartphone Photography By Naturecreations!

in hive-102880 •  4 years ago 



Hi Steemains, Welcome to my blog. I hope everyone is well and safe with you. Stay home to protect yourself safely. Photography is the art and practice of creating durable and good-looking images. Now you can do it anywhere with a camera or smartphone. After the invention of smartphones, it's easier.

Tere, Hivers, Tere tulemast minu ajaveebi. Loodan, et kõigil on teie kohal hästi ja turvaliselt. Jääge koju, et end turvaliselt kaitsta. Fotograafia on vastupidavate ja nägusate piltide loomise kunst ja tava. Nüüd saab seda teha ükskõik kus kaamera või nutitelefoniga. Pärast nutitelefonide leiutamist on see lihtsam.

Before peoples wasn't be able to capture beautiful natures pictures but now we can do that. As I have a smartphone so that today I have done a photography with my smartphone. And done some editing with it.

Kui enne ei saanud rahvad ilusate olemustega pilte teha, siis nüüd saame seda teha. Kuna mul on nutitelefon, siis olen täna oma nutitelefoniga fotot teinud. Ja teinud sellega mõned redigeerimised.

I have made colour splash of it using snapseed photo editor. I am always Interested In natural things. So today I have done this photography with nature Which was on our roof. Hope everyone will like my work! Wishing everyone a good day. Enjoy your time.

Olen sellest värvilahenduse teinud pisipiltide fotoredaktori abil. Olen alati huvitatud looduslikest asjadest. Nii et täna tegin seda fotograafiat loodusega, mis oli meie katusel. Loodan, et kõigile meeldib minu töö! Soovides kõigile head päeva. Naudi oma aega.

Device Details








3.81 mm

Edited With Snapseed

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