Squall's theory of death in Final Fantasy VIII

in hive-103219 •  4 years ago 

Final Fantasy VIII, despite being more than 20 years old, has remained active within the gamer community of yesteryear, and now thanks to its Remastered edition many theories that have been formed over time have been revived. Most of them are very interesting, this time we will focus on a theory which I consider wrong, it is the death of Squall.

This arises from an event that occurs at the end of disc 1 (PSX version), where Squall faces the witch Edea, who in turn is being controlled by Artemis. At the end of the battle she casts a spell of ice that penetrates Squall's body, leaving him disabled in the fight, falling from the carriage where the fight took place.

It is here that there are two sides within the Final Fantasy VIII community, some who believe that Squall dies from a mortal wound, showing from the album 2 illusions of that character in a non-existent world, while the other side considers that Squall lives and the story continues normally.

There are several arguments that have been propagated which support the theory that Squall has died, some have no fundamental basis, but others are interesting, among the most notable is that from disc 2 are strange or fantasy beings that live with humans.

This argument can be dismissed with the simple fact that in disk 1 you can find letters from these beings and information about them, which indicates that in the Final Fantasy VIII universe these beings really exist from the beginning, besides the fact that civilization knows about their existence. Besides, let's remember that in the whole videogame there are creatures that are not from the earth, since they came thanks to the moon's tears.

Another argument that supports this theory is the wound, many claim that because the ice stake pierces his heart Squall dies when he falls, however, this is completely false. First of all, the "wound" is located near his right shoulder, which anatomically is not the heart.

And, secondly, in Final Fantasy VIII it has been demonstrated in battles that magic is not capable of hurting the physical part of the bodies, for example, when we face Ifrit for the first time he throws different fire powers which do not burn the skin of our allies. What did happen is that Squall was stunned by the attack and fainted when he fell from the carriage.

There is an image that every defender of this theory always brings as a fundamental basis of it, it is the "Hollow Squall" which can be seen in the video of the temporal compression. Many indicate that this is the most relevant proof that proves his death, since it shows that inside him there is nothing and everything is an invention or imagination that is reflected from the beyond.

But this is false, let's remember that the use of force masters causes memory loss to those who use them, when Squall falls into temporary compression he needs memories to bring his body back to the present, however, when trying to remember, his mind becomes blurred as well as his memories by the use of the GF, causing his presence to slowly disappear from his timeline.

There is a scene that is right at the end of the game, this makes the player doubt and makes him think that Squall is really dead, it's when they record Rinoa in the balcony, where she can be seen thanks to the angle of vision that she is alone, however, Squall at that moment was very far away from her, for that reason she can't be seen in the recording.

In an interview with Yoshinori Kitase, director of the game, where he was asked about this theory he indicated that this was not true, he pointed out that the wound that Edea caused him was near his shoulder and not in his heart, however, he found this theory interesting and that he would probably use it in the future for a Final Fantasy VIII Remake.

In conclusion, Squall never dies in FFVIII, but even though that theory was officially disproved there will always be people who will defend it and they have every right to do so, since everyone thinks and analyzes things as they please, that's what the magic of Final Fantasy videogames is all about.

You think Squall dies in Final Fantasy VIII? Tell me your opinion in the comments section.

See You!!!

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