Thursday, July 21, 2022 with a romantic partner on the day of Kabul Akbar's consent with vini, the event has been carried out according to the agenda that has been set by the local KUA at the bride's house, Gampong ulee blang alue bungkoh, pirak sub-district, North Aceh Regency.
Wedding pearls are much sought after by people both married and those who are about to get married. As a human, of course you want to marry the person you love.
Marriage is a marriage contract that is celebrated or carried out by two people with the intention of formalizing the marriage bond in accordance with religious norms, social norms, and legal norms.
Today is an extraordinary activity to receive a call that has been recorded in the schedule book a month before the event has been able to order photo orders to capture the beautiful moment on the day of Kabul Akbar's Ijab with vini, Alhamdulillah today was carried out smoothly and successfully with activities on that day to get the best moment.
Today's activity with professional makeup with the latest Muslim clothing equipment, modern Muslim clothing boutiques and flower decorations with Ayi, the aisle of the coolie, North Aceh district. Is a trusted professional Makeup quality overall length of the best photography.
Be stylish with sincerity with your partner to get the best moment
When we field an activity as photography, we must prepare mentally and give the best impression and we must try to capture the best moments from the wedding day to the inauguration day and also to the bride and groom when they decide to go to the aisle, of course, have to prepare various preparations, starting from readiness. mental to material readiness.
Aphorisms When you know and love each other, you must also ask for the blessing of your parents so that the ark of the household can be passed smoothly and full of blessings. Because uniting two people from different backgrounds is indeed a challenge.
Well, so that the relationship is always harmonious, you must read and live a marriage that can increase partner trust.