Bireuen Police Hold Greening Action, 1200 Trees Planted at the Top of Bireuen Maneh Lake.

in hive-103393 •  2 years ago 


Bireuen Police Hold Greening Action, 1200 Trees Planted at the Top of Bireuen Maneh Lake.

The Bireuen Resort Police (Polres) held a greening action in order to preserve nature and as part of the Police's commitment to contribute to maintaining the beauty and balance of the ecosystem.

This tree planting action was carried out with the theme "Polri Preserves the Greening of the Country from an Early Age." The activity took place at the Peak of Telaga Maneh, Meunasah Gadong Village, Kota Juang District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Wednesday 23 August 2023.

As many as 200 from various elements planted 1,200 trees at Telaga Maneh Bireuen. The planting was carried out by members of the Bireuen Police and joint ranks with the TNI, Forkopimda elements, government agencies, students, scout members and the community.

Assistant I Setdakab Bireuen, Mulyadi in his remarks said the tree planting action was one of the environmental preservation programs and created the area to become an agro-tourism area.

Meanwhile, Kapolres Bireuen, AKBP Jatmiko SH, MH through Deputy Police Commissioner Joko Utomo, S.H., S.I.K., CPHR., said the early greening activity by planting thousands of trees which was carried out today, aims to provide an understanding to the younger generation of the importance of greening since early to preserve nature.

"Today we are doing reforestation by planting 1,200 trees," said Kompol Joko Utomo.

This is part of his efforts to contribute to environmental preservation and maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

Apart from that, added the Waka Polres Bireuen, this activity is also a form of education to the wider community about the role of the Police in protecting the environment.

We hope that this action can be a real example that nature conservation can be started from simple actions, such as planting a tree.” explained Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner Joko Utomo.

The activity began with a tribute to the red and white flag guided by the Wakapolres Bireuen, then each official and element moved to the point marked to plant a tree, a number of members of the Police, scouts and students also took part in planting various types of trees.

After planting in the location around the peak of Telaga Maneh, dozens of members of the Bireuen Police and others planted on the cliffs of the hills.






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