(ENG/INA) Two Homes and Business Places Submerged in Overflow Flood in Peudada Bireuen.

in hive-103393 •  2 years ago 


Two Homes and Business Places Submerged in Overflow Flood in Peudada Bireuen.

Rain with high intensity hit the Peudada District area, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia, Thursday, 12/29/2022, causing two houses and businesses to be submerged in overflow floods.

High rainfall caused the canal water at Simpang Ikue Alue Peudada to overflow, this incident resulted in two houses and two businesses being submerged in overflow floods in Meunasah Alue Peudada Village.

The Chief Coordinator of the Bireuen Disaster Preparedness Cadets, Zulfikar, confirmed the incident. Two houses and business premises were submerged in the overflow flood, the water is expected to submerge the area around 07.00. WIB.

Water also inundated the Banda Aceh - Medan road, you can see traffic congestion on the national highway.

Zulfikar also said that his party was currently collecting data on affected residents. There were no casualties in this incident, but the water condition in the area gradually receded.

A number of areas in Bireuen Regency have been hit by heavy rain since yesterday. The public is expected to remain vigilant in dealing with extreme weather like today.


Language Indonesian

Dua Rumah dan Tempat Usaha Terendam Banjir Luapan di Peudada Bireuen.

Hujan dengan intensitas tinggi melanda kawasan Kecamatan Peudada, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia, Kamis, 29/12/2022, mengakibatkan dua rumah dan tempat usaha terendam banjir luapan.

Curah hujan yang tinggi menyebabkan air saluran di Simpang Ikue Alue Peudada meluap, peristiwa tersebut mengakibatkan dua rumah dan dua tempat usaha terendam banjir luapan di Desa Meunasah Alue Peudada.

Ketua Koordinator Taruna Siaga Bencana Bireuen, Zulfikar, membenarkan peristiwa tersebut. Dua rumah dan tempat usaha terendam banjir luapan, air diperkirakan merendam kawasan tersebut sekira pukul 07.00. WIB.

Air juga menggenangi badan jalan Banda Aceh - Medan, terlihat lalulintas juga terjadi kemacetan di jalan raya nasional tersebut.

Zulfikar juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya saat ini sedang melakukan pendataan, terhadap warga yang terdampak. Tidak ada korban jiwa pada peristiwa ini, namun kondisi air dikawasan tersebut berangsur surut.

Sejumlah kawasan di Kabupaten Bireuen sejak kemarin dilanda hujan deras, masyarakat diharapkan tetap waspada dalam menghadapi cuaca ekstrem seperti saat ini.






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