Dear Diary -Un breve recordatorio

in hive-103393 •  6 days ago 



Dear Diary: I write: A brief reminder. I wish this to be a sign, to remember. In the distance I remember Mercajulia. Her fascinating plump face. She has written to me from the Fjords. On her postcard she looks happy. Innocent, she wore the same flowered blouse as last time. I kissed her cheek and wiped away two tears trying to reach my mouth. It was a nice memory. She was planting the sunflowers that Dad liked. She told me of her intentions to run away wherever, with whomever. Didn't she have that right? It was suffocating to live in this family. She would cut herself on her legs where she could not be seen, and she said that this pain made her feel alive. Dear Diary: The night has passed feverishly. I stand naked. I feel the sensation of levitating. My body is that jumble of skin and white, touched by snow. I have never been kissed with love. My husband drools on me, he smells my body like an old doll. He arrived early with his friends and rushed to get a bottle of wine. He had some meetings (according to him). I discover he's wearing lipstick on his collar. It's sad this grunting pig who tells many lies. I hope the Mercajulia gambler, doesn't beat him at night. It would be a stupid coincidence, I hope so.

Dear Diary:
I have had new desires to commit suicide. I would write a letter or something similar to leave between your pages. It would be all my rights reserved. If someone loved me, that's a benefit. Never mind the despair. I could endure endless torment. I've carried a knife in my apron, all morning. I have felt its edge a thousand times. I have purposely cut my index finger. The blood between the ice cubes is impressive. I should slit the throat of this poor pig dozing on the couch. I can feel his putrid breath. It's an abyss of alcohol and cheap perfumes. He's so lost, he should suffocate. I stick the knife hard in his neck. What should I do, Dear Diary?
Bless Mercajulia. Keep all those evil thoughts away from me. Outside soon spring will come. I'll have butterflies and green invading every space. Every glow from the window. It's almost raining. I feel the birds. I feel that, in spite of everything, I am that happy fool that no one misses.



Querido Diario: Escribo: Un breve recordatorio. Deseo que esta sea una señal, para recordar. En la distancia recuerdo a Mercajulia. Su fascinante rostro regordete. Me ha escrito de los Fiordos. En su postal se muestra feliz. Inocente, llevaba la misma blusa de flores de la última vez. Le besé la mejilla y me sequé dos lágrimas que traban de llegar a la boca. Fue un bonito recuerdo. Ella plantaba los girasoles que le gustaban a papá. Me contó de sus intenciones de escapar a donde fuese, con quien fuese. ¿Acaso no tenía ese derecho? Era asfixiante vivir en esta familia. Se cortaba en las piernas donde no se viera, y decía que ese dolor la hacía sentir viva. Querido Diario: La noche ha transcurrido febril. Me mantengo desnuda. Siento la sensación de levitar. Mi cuerpo es ese amasijo de piel y blanco, tocado por la nieve. Nunca me han besado con amor. Mi marido me babea, huele mi cuerpo como una muñeca vieja. Llegó temprano con sus amigos y se apresuró a buscar una botella de vino. Tuvo algunas reuniones (según él). Descubro que trae pintalabios en el cuello. Es triste este cerdo que gruñe y que dice muchas mentiras. Espero que el apostador de Mercajulia, no le pegue por las noches. Sería una estúpida coincidencia, eso espero.

Querido Diario:
He tenido nuevos deseos de suicidarme. Escribiría una carta o algo parecido para dejar entre tus páginas. Serían todos mis derechos reservados. Si alguien me amara, eso es un veneficio. No importa la desesperación. Podría aguantar un tormento infinito. He llevado un cuchillo en el delantal, toda la mañana. He palpado miles de veces su filo. Me he cortado a propósito el dedo índice. La sangre entre los cubitos de hielo es impresionante. Debería cortarle la garganta a este pobre cerdo que dormita en el sofá. Siento su aliento pútrido. Es un abismo de alcohol y perfumes baratos. Está tan perdido, debería asfixiarse. Le pego con fuerza el cuchillo en el cuello. ¿Qué debería hacer, Querido Diario?
Bendice a Mercajulia. Aleja todos esos pensamientos malignos de mí. Afuera pronto vendrá la primavera. Tendré mariposas y el verde invadiendo cada espacio. Cada resplandor desde la ventana. Casi llueve. Siento a los pájaros. Siento que, a pesar de todo, soy esa tonta feliz que nadie extraña.

Phrases used
A brief reminder.
All rights reserved.

A @wakeupkitty y @aneukpineung78

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Love is a dog from hell

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That fascinating plump face can't stop you from your new desire? Is this a part of your book or new edition? SEA will happy with the new versions of diaries flooding the community. Did I miss the diary prompt? How about biting nails instead of walking around with a knife?

#wewrite #comment

This is part of an idea that can be commercial. I hope it comes to fruition. I can write about any subject. I just take the idea or the promt and just transcribe what my subconscious or my inner self dictates. It's complicated to explain, but I almost never know where my story is going. I just start writing and I can fabulate (Confabulación de la araña. Del maestro Guille V.). Create universes, bifurcations almost instantly. So I could spend some hours writing and pressing the knife on the skin. How else would you try to write? hahaha.
In the infinite lie the characters were really other.

#wewrite #comment

The best way of writing is through freewriting. I am sure xiao knows what you mean.
Hard to explain but the easiest way to write.

I drop by since potato sacks has to be filled, a corpse is lying around and there are empty bottles, no juice.. Palinka? Peaches of plums?

Kopie van #comment - cat read and support.jpg

let's have a look at the prompts since I scheduled my time to pick fruits. Do you like juice?

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