Enjoyed Yummy Noodles By Wizzmie After Having Salary

in hive-103393 •  27 days ago  (edited)


We were enjoying savory lunch, tasty noodles by Wizzmie after having salary

Hi my beloved Steemian ☺️.
How's everything ? May Yaa Mujiib ijabah all of your du'a this year. Wish you lots of luck, my dearest Steemian 🤍😇

My stunning boss asked me to cook just simply food only for breakfast this morning. Yep, it’s my turn. I had schedule for preparing some foof in the kitchen today. However I just prepared for our breakfast as a request. In the noon, one of our friends which was birthday want to bring some food for us.


Alhamdulillah I just finished cooking simply food for our morning breakfast

I taken a shower and get dressed furthermore wore my apron. I check what we had in our fridge. I frequentlt try to use some ingredients or vegetables in the fridge first before going shopping to The Greengrocer & Fish Shop in the morning. In my humble opinion we must appreciate our food around us first in our life. Alhamdulillah we had tempeh, aubergine and mackerel fish. I will make simply food today by using those ingredients first in our refrigerator. I cooked hot spicy mackerels mix eggplant tomato chili sauce. I sliced tempeh, mixed it with the whitepepper and fried it. Alhamdulillah approximately an hour later I finished cooking & cleaning up my kitchen.

I taken a shower again then took a nap. When I got in the noon, one of our beloved friend brought us jackfruit. MasyaaAllah the taste of jackfruit is sweetest. We washed our hands subsequently enjoyed it together in our dining room.

However we have to be carefully also with the jackfruit sap when we were picking out the jackfruit. It’s sticky. No matter what, we do love our unforgettable moments in that day.


Our warm-hearted friend was bringing us sweetest jackfruit. We enjoy it together whilst having a little chit-chat in our dine room

Yep, we had meeting & salary today. An hour later we enjoy our lunch, spicy noodles by Wizzmie Madiun City what3words.com at Bilition Street No. 25, Madiun Lor, Manguharjo, Madiun City, East Java. Today was our friend’s birthday then she pay on us for our lunch.


Enjoying birthday cake with our lovely friends on blessed Thursday

Wizzmie starts open 00.90 am until 10.00 pm. They just open last year, exactly in June, 2024. At that time we choosed different level of spicy inasmuch as some of us like spicy and some of us didn't like spicy food. We drank Teh Kota also plus a birthday cake from our lovely friends.

Our friends bought us some packs of noodles with pangsit crackers at Wizzmie Madiun City what3words.com at Bilition Street No. 25, Madiun Lor, Manguharjo, Madiun City, East Java. She bought us some cups of Teh Kota also in her birthday

A few hours later we prepared ourselves to teach our lovely pupils & students in our English private & regular classes. We taught our beloved pupils plus students from afternoon till evening. I had pretty full activities in the last month. However I am over the moon. I felt blessing.

I took my white & soft brown towel in the clothesline area in the second floor then fight with my lovely enemy, water & dipper in the bathroom in front of our bedroom.

I ate some fruits furthermore switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit while listening some Aceh Traditional Songs on the dine table. I am sick to my hometown, indeed.

After cleaning my face & answering the call of nature, I switch on my air conditioner. I put a little hand & body lotion on my body, put a little serum & moisture gel on my face, recited TriQul, made a little du’a subsequently hit the hay.

Warm regards,


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My pleasure, my brother 😇
Alhamdulillah, thank you a billion for giving me a valuable information. I will check it later 😻
Have a wonderful night 🩵

Enak sekali

Alhamdulillah yazz, brother. Mie Wizzmie salah satu makanan yang sangat direkomendasikan karena memang anak & harganya juga terjangkau 😄

Butuh bantuan cara menggunakan Steem Atlas, mungkin saya dapat membantu anda?

Terima kasih banyak brother atas tawaran bantuannya. Saya sangat menghargainya. Mungkin besok jika brother ada waktu, kita bisa berdiskusi tentang hal tersebut by WhatsApp atau di grup. Mungkin saya akan bertanya beberapa hal terkait Steem Atlas 😅

baiklah dengan senang hati saya akan memberikan bantuan dan petunjuk sebagaimana yang saya ketahui.

Baik brother
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