The Diary Game [31 Mei, 2021] activity to “ teach the Qur'an” (25% payout to @steem.amal)

in hive-103393 •  4 years ago 
I donate 25% to @steem.amal

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Reciting the Qur’an has long been the culture of Indonesian society.
However, recently reciting the Koran has begun to be abandoned. Muslims
it is more fun to follow soap operas and films while sitting for a long time in front
television rather than opening the Mushaf of the Qur’an.

Mengaji Alquran sejak dulu telah menjadi budaya masyarakat Indonesia.
Namun, akhir-akhir ini mengaji Alquran sudah mulai ditinggalkan. Umat Islam
lebih asik mengikuti sinetron dan film seraya duduk berlama-lama di depan
televisi dari pada membuka mushaf Alquran.

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The Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) wants to restore the tradition of reciting the Qur’an after each Maghrib prayer can be revived in all corners of the country.
People are invited to reopen the Koran even though they have already
Khatam the previous Qur’an, By reciting the Quran after Maghrib prayer, the influence of influence negatives from television and other electronic media can be minimized.

Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) RI ingin mengembalikan tradisi mengaji
setiap selesai shalat Maghrib dapat kembali dihidupkan di seluruh pelosok negeri.
Masyarakat diajak untuk kembali membuka Alquran kendati mereka sudah
khatam Alquran sebelumnya, Dengan mengaji selepas shalat Maghrib, pengaruh pengaruh negatif dari televisi dan media elektronik lainnya bisa diminimalisasi.

However, in the author's observation, the Ministry of Religious Affairs program
(Kemenag) RI is still focused on the target only on children.
Meanwhile, the program to recite the Quran to adults or parents is good
for fathers or mothers have not done well in
wide community. Koran activities for adults or parents still
is in majlis taklim in the form of listening to religious lectures or
Yasin wirid recitation which becomes a weekly routine. Yasin Wirid activities
what the author observes in society is often done by each fathers and mothers
Thursday night Friday.

Namun dalam pengamatan penulis, program Kementerian Agama
(Kemenag) RI tersebut masih terfokus sasaran tertuju pada anak-anak saja.
Sedangkan program mengaji Alquran kepada orang dewasa atau orang tua baik
untuk bapak-bapaknya atau ibu-ibunya belum terlaksana dengan baik di
masyarakat luas. Kegiatan mengaji untuk orang dewasa atau orang tua masih
bersifat pada majlis taklim berupa mendengarkan ceramah agama ataupun
pembacaan wirid yasin yang menjadi rutinitas mingguan. Kegiatan Wirid yasin
yang penulis amati di masyarakat sering dilakukan bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu setiap
hari Kamis malam Jumat.

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The author's observations are basically a matter of the desire to learn
The Quran is very coveted by parents, especially mothers. Will
but they have very little chance of being able to learn the Quran, either because
age factor or because they are busy taking care of their household.
Sometimes it is because there are no institutions or mosques around the place
only those who try to open the Koran study program. So that
they only follow Islamic religious activities as is
get closer to Allah SWT.

Pengamatan penulis, pada dasarnya masalah keinginan untuk belajar
Alquran itu sangat didambakan oleh orang tua khususnya kaum ibu-ibu. Akan
tetapi sangat sedikit peluang mereka untuk dapat belajar Alquran, baik karena
faktor usia atau karena kesibukan dalam mengurus rumah tangga mereka.
Kadangkala dikarenakan tidak adanya lembaga atau mesjid di sekitar tempat
tinggal mereka yang berupaya membuka program belajar Alquran. Sehingga
mereka hanya mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan Islam apa adanya dalam
mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT.

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Also based on the author's observations, for the city of Lhokseumawe
especially in Pusong Baru, there are very few learning activities
The Quran for mothers. There is indeed an institution or a mosque
held a study of the Koran for mothers, namely at the Al azhar street wish. Learning activities the Koran for these mothers only
only a few mothers who live close to this mosque are interested.
However, he cannot do much for his mother because of his activities
which is monotonous.

Didasarkan pengamatan penulis juga, untuk daerah Kota Lhokseumawe
khususnya di Kecamatan Pusong Baru sangat minim sekali kegiatan belajar
Alquran untuk kaum ibu. Memang ada sebuah lembaga atau mesjid yang
mengadakan belajar Alquran untuk kaum ibu, yakni di mesjid Al Azhar Jalan Nelayan . Kegiatan belajar mengaji Alquran untuk kaum ibu ini hanya
diminati oleh beberapa kaum ibu saja yang tinggal dekat dengan mesjid ini saja.
Akan tetapi belum bisa berbuat banyak untuk kaum ibunya karena kegiatannya
yang monoton.

Best Regard,



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