Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program | Week 11 : 1 Move Up, No Graduation, 6 Participants Jump In

in hive-103393 •  3 years ago 

"Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors, and occasional victories. The failed experiments are as much part of the process as the experiments that work"

Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D.

Digital art by @hanna716 and @mikejosephortega and 50% rewards for @steem.amal

Hellow Redfish aka Aneuk Seurideng!

How is everyone doing last week? More happiness and healthier? Well, last week is a busy week for me as usual ever since I worked for splinterlands (as an intern for sure, hehe), I learn so many things but I was lucky because I already learn everything from steemit before, especially about Basic Security. Playing blockchain-based games means you need to know how to secure your assets in-game. We have a massive hacked account last week and it gets me to work overtime. Funny that I found there're not many complaints today, so I can create this post earlier. So, What's the news this week?. 1 participant from Level 1 moved up to level 2 and 6 new participants joined. Let's just check it out, okay!


Can you see? @miftahulrizky moved up to level 2 and he's on his way to be a salmon soon. He did it in his second week with us here. I appreciated what a wonderful move @muthmainnah made after joining this program. I remember when she's joined steemit a few months ago, no one care about what she wrote. I read and wrote a few things to encourage and remind her for being a steemian in a community. So Proud of you!! @wantimaulidar, keep up the good work too. Don't rush to be a salmon, just enjoy the ecosystem and learn more about it is a good way to stay and enjoy steemit days. Welcome aboard to @fantvwiki, @ulyarahmi, @zulfahmi, @mujibrahman, @nuruzzahri and @kinghearts. I will let you know what to do in this program, Keep reading.


What about Level 2 this week?


It's always good to see this table especially for me. When 2 participants are racing to graduate soon and they are really great contributors to the community so far. @desaara123 and @muhammadbakrie, both are good authors and trying their best to take part in any of the community programs too. @mahyulmaulana. @joel0 and @abufarras, The three of you growing so fine and you can do it better next week too. Don't stop to grow @aisyahmychun, @fycee, @miftahulrizky, @muksalm99, and @bustamam21. I will be the happiest to have more Salmon in Steem SEA's Community. That's my goal from the start.


Observe this table carefully and judge for yourself, have you done your best to support each other in the community through simple ways like "comments and upvotes"? I believe some of you have tried your best and it's also according to your own decision to spend time on steemit too.


For newcomers of this week, learn from the best. Even if you are a newcomer, you have the same opportunity to grow. I will delegate some power for you to enjoy your day on steemit and have fun. Watch your behavior on "upvotes" . You can optimize your power by choosing 10 posts of the day to support and leave your comments on any of the posts which you can upvote due to less Voting Power. If you haven't done your task on Achievement as a newcomer, please do. it will be a great capital to grow faster.


Community News

Have you read what have our community leader done as a CR in September? You better read this post, he is our best supporter in this program and shows some love for his efforts. We must be proud of the team who work for the community all this time too. We still get another support from the steemcurators this month, But.. Yeah But, read this first to know what benefit we can take as a member of the community.

Tips and Trick for newcomer

  1. If you haven't done your tasks as a newcomer, try your best to complete the task of achievement, and here is the Guidelines.
  2. If you haven't joined the Steem SEA's community, here is the information about How to be a member.
  3. If you want to know how to create a post that will be chosen by the team as the best post of the day Here The Condition
  4. If you want to share your rewards with @steem.amal, here is the way how to Setting Rewards
  5. If you have steem and SBD in your wallet, please do Power-ups frequently. Yes, we understand that you want to earn something from steemit too. There are many ways to make a better life with steem for sure. Just Power up and support the community with your power.
  6. How to grow your power? Create a post with good quality content, join any contests, support each other through comments and upvotes, then Power UP!
  7. What should you do when you are in this program? Just do whatever you want and try to be active by posting, commenting, upvote, delegate your power, share your rewards with steem.amal, choose the right tag, and join more than one community.

A Call of Support to @anroja

For her amazing growth, @muthmainnah deserves to have 200 SP delegations for 2 weeks. @miftahulrizky shows his seriousness to grow too, please delegate 200 SP to him too. 100 SP each to @abufarras and @mahyulmaulana. Please Undelagate SP from @rizkiblangpadang. I will delegate a little SP to the newcomers to start their long way in this program. Thank you as always for your support!

OKMK, KB! See you next week and Have a wonderful journey on Steemit, Have Fun!!

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Terima kasih mbak @cicisaja atas sajian, ulasan, trik dan tips, serta saran yang sangat berguna buat saya pribadi, dalam komunitas ini. Senang rasanya untuk pertama kalinya melihat nama kita sendiri berada pada tangga terbawah, dan belajar menapaki tangga berikutnya.

bikin raget aja tiap minggunya, mana yang mau dikerjakan dulu.. kalau achievement sudah tuntas, lanjut ke membuat postingan secara konsisten setiap hari dan tentu saja sebaiknya mengikut pada ketentuan yang berlaku, the diary game and seri btterlife lainnya mewajibkan 350 kata minimal dengan maksimal 10 foto asli milik sendiri... lalu bangun jaringan dengan berteman... semudah-nya sesempatnya, berusaha disiplin saja. Semoga segera berrkembang pesat

Sip 🙏

Alhamdulillah, terimakasih kanda @cicisaja atas setiap dukungan dan motivasinya, semoga kami semua terus berkembang dalan komunitas hebat ini, sukses selalu buat cutkak dan kita semua, amiiin

yg udah tuntas achievement nya, jgn lupa bimbing yg belum 😉

Hehe, siap cutkak

Terimakasih kakak @cicisaja, terimakasih untuk hadiah dukungan 200 SP nya. Insyaallah akan digunakan untuk terus mendukung postingan teman-teman di dalam komunitas Steem SEA. Sukses untuk kita bersama...

meskipun cuma untuk 2 minggu, mudah-mudahan SP-nya bisa bermanfaat dan menghasilkan power baru juga nanti. jaga konsistensi saja

Baik kakak, insyallah saya akan terus konsisten... Mohon doanya kak.

Terus berkarya dan berjaya semoga jalan kesuksesan ada ditangan anda semua Aneuk seriudeng gogogogoog salmon

bacut teuk nyan.... graaak aju

Konsisten itu hal yang patut dikerjakan agar steemsea selalu terdepan

buktikan bahwa kita bisa terus mendapat dukungan, hanya anggota komunitas yang bisa mewujudkannya. ccoba saja delegasi SP-nya sedikit ke steemcurators bang.. 50 sp saja dulu, lihat hasilnya bulan depan

Hehe, belum sempat ketemu guru kak, lagi sibuk sangat sekarang,, Hana meuphom lom.

tinggal baca bak postingan orang-orang yang sudah melakukan tugas achievement 2, basic security, task 5.1 dan task 6

Terima kasih atas apresiasinya kepada kami, mohon juga bantuan dan bimbingannya selalu agar kami menjadi lebih baik lagi.

sudah harus bersiap utk membimbing yang lain segera, karena sudah sangat dekat ke hari kelulusan

Mohon juga bantuan dan bimbingan dari kk @cicisaja kepada kami semua...hhhhe

Luar biasa, selamat kepada yang namanya tersebutkan. Lanjutkan, tingkatkan postingannya, doa kami untuk anda anda selalu sahabat steemian

mereka disebut karena mereka mendaftar untuk ikut programnya, bukan karena dipilih

Oooo. Hehehe saya pikir karena dipilih, gagal fokus mbak @cicisaja. Lupa minum aqua

Kak saya akan mendaftarkan diri saya di sini kak🙏🏻🙏🏻


Tolong apanya kak?

Hai kak @cicisaja saya akan mengikuti program ini,mohon dukungannya,sudah membagikan data join saya di postingan kakk sebelumnya.terimakasih

memang sudah ikut, tinggal berpacu cepat lulus ini

Terimakasih kakk🖤🙏

🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
Subscribe and increase the reward for @cicisaja :) | For investors.

Terimakasih kasih banyak atas semua dukungannya KK @cicisaja...
Semoga dengan berkat dukungan ini kami bisa bertumbuh kembang dalam platform ini...🙏🙏🙏

kerja bagus, pertahankan dan konsisten lah

insyaaAllah KK...
Doakan saya...🙏🙏🙏

Terima kasih banyak mbak @cicisaja atas ulasan, trik dan tipsnya, serta saran sangat berguna buat saya pribadi untuk bisa berkembang ketahap selanjutnya, dalam komunitas ini. Oiya mbak @cicisaja saya ingin bertanya mbak tentang menjadi anggota steem sea harus intro terlebih dahulu, sebelumnya saya sudah pernah intro pada newcomer, ini link nya Newcomers' Community dan sekarang baru menyelesaikan Achievement 5 Task 2.
Nah apakah saya harus intro lagi pada steem sea mbak @cici

Terimakasih mbak 🙏

intro dikit aja diawal post bisa, lanjut dgn postingan seperti biasa setelahnya

Baik kk @cicisaja, terimakasih banyak

Hai kakak saya mendaftar ya kak

okay... minggu depan dimasukkan datanya

Siap kakak.
Sebelumnya saya ucapkan terimakasih

Assalammualaikum kak @cicisaja saya menyukai programnya dan saya ingin bergabung
Mohon bimbingannya juga . Terimakasih

boleh, minggu depan masuk ke table infonya

Makasi kak

Saya ikutan dong mbak @cicisaja
Akun di buat 31 agustus 2021
Sp saat ini 32.041 STEEM

siippp..ini cara mendaftar yg baik dan benar👍 minggu depan masuk dlm daftar👌

Jadi tugas yang harus di lakukan apa mbak @cicisaja

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Saya boleh ikut juga kk ?
Akun ini di buat 11 juli 2021
Sp saat ini 25.078 steem
Terimakasih 🌹

boleh. . nanti dimasukin daftar

Terima kasih kk🤗

wa'alaikumussalam, tentu saja boleh

Iya makasi kk

Saya boleh ikut kak?
Akun ini dibuat 13 September 2021
Sp saat ini 34.131 steem